Lumbar puncture shows normal cell count, protein and glucose.
Olgoclinal bands negative (normal).
No signal change in spinal MRI.
MRI of head again shows signal change compatible with inflammatory demyelination, compared to previous scan no new lesions could be identified and appearances are stable.
And that’s it.
Silly me was expecting a diagnosis, results don’t sound bad so wondering why I can’t write my own signature or walk straight amongst other things?
Went to see my Gp the other day to see if there was anything we could do about the pain and he put me back on Tegrotol that I had when I had TN.
My neurologist letter states “I will review him as planned” but last week I rang them to ask if they had posted the letter out yet and the secretary said “it had been typed but not checked, she would get neurologist to sign it off and post it and would put me on a cancellation list for an appointment, so I do have one but not sure when.
I feel a diagnosis is very far away as I don’t fit the McDonald’s criteria.
This leaves me with nothing definitive to tell my employer, who would make allowances if they had something work with.
I can see them having to let me go with no access to financial help, as I’m off with a Gp note at the moment and can’t tell them anything.
All the best
Ps. The MRI from Gamma Knife treatment, which set things in motion stated “showed increased signal intensity in peri ventricular area and at the left Cerebellar peduncle.
But hang on Sunbeam…I was on the sick for 8 months with no diagnosis, although it was clear I had neurological problem. My GP wrote debility on my sick notes. After this period, my employer visited me and together we decided I would accept enhanced salary ill health payment with early retirement. So don’t walk from your job…let THEM finish you with all your rights. Speak to a union rep for guidance. And as regards a diagnosis…it took me 22 years to get mine last month.
I’ve already had 9 months off with TN before Gamma Knife treatment. I managed to go back for a couple of months, but off now with what I can only describe as MS relapse symptoms. My Gp did put “Ataxia pos multiple sclerosis” as it fitted in with my current situation. I realise now that I’ve been a bit nieve thinking things would move quickly when your brain and abilities are in question, and that it’s as much about ruling things out as it is about speedy diagnosis. Occupational health seem to be on my side, and Human Resources have been sympathetic (though I can appreciate they have a different agenda). I’ve set myself up for the long haul and hopefully my employer will accommodate this, they espouse equal opportunity and inclusion on all their media. Thanks for the replies. All the best.