Relapses and time

Hi Again,

Just wondered what was anyones longest period before a relapse please? I am asking as it has been sometime between mine and I wondered how normal this was. I am interested in knowing the general ‘idea’ of timings too as I am not feeling great / well at the moment. However after seeing my Neuro today ( nice chap and he seems to know his stuff - so no issues here with that ) , I was told that it is not a relapse but my alkready there symptoms being worse. He did use better words and speaking than i am now sorry - im just tired n brain fried again lol :slight_smile:

Ty again in advance for any help given,

Tc Anna x

Hi Anna,

I’m afraid this is yet another area where there is no “normal”. It is possible to go years, or even decades between relapses. If you haven’t had one for a long time, it doesn’t follow that one must be overdue, and so you are at higher risk. You still might not have one for ages.

I’m sorry you’re not feeling great, but I think you have to trust your neuro if he feels it isn’t a relapse. I find the Winter months make existing symptoms a great deal worse - and it hasn’t even been really cold yet! Does the weather mess with your symptoms too, perhaps?



Hiya Tina,

Thnx for the reply hun. I haven’t (touch wood) had a relapse for about 2yrs now then. Like I said, I really thought how naff I’m feelin at moment might have been one. Yes, I think my Neuro is fab and I trust him with his decisions; as he hasn’t let me down thus far.

I didn’t know that ppl can go for yrs without having a relapse, so this is great info for me and has really rested any fears that I had that. So ty again for info hun.

It occurred to me today as i was in neuros office, that this not bein a relapse and just a ‘flare up’ of already existing ms problems must be a ‘good thing’ :slight_smile:

Cos if i have gotten this right - each relapse equals more damage to our brain / myelin. so there for, this must mean that i haven’t had any extra damage and there fore no extra disibilities. please correct me if i am wrong about this though as i am still new to this ms lark.

Yes hun, I can relate to the colder weather theory. I dont understand how one yr as in last yr i was fairly ok though and its really hitting me this year. Hence why i thought , hmm must be relapse then.

Gosh, this MS marlarky is flipping complicated stuff and i really do take my hat off to all the neuro teams that look after us and understand it all; bless them :slight_smile:

How are you fairing in this weather then? Do you get effected by it too hun?

thnx again,

Anna x

Hi Anna

Just to confuse you further the things that affect you badly one year may not affect you so badly in another year and vice versa!

For the first two years after diagnosis I was really badly affected by hot weather so I put lots of things in place to keep me cool. I have one of the coolest offices at work when the heating is off, I have cooling neck scarves etc. Then this year it all changed. I was quite pleased actually as we had a scorching summer and I was surprised to find it didn’t wipe me out nearly as badly as I was expecting. In fact, I have actually been feeling the cold and have had a few evenings already this winter wrapped up in a blanket even though it hasn’t been all that cold yet. Both my son and I have found this very bemusing behaviour for me! In previous years I was still in short sleeves right through October or as soon as I exerted myself …

I hope your symptoms calm down soon. When mine flare up, it usually means I have been pushing myself too hard and I know it means I need to find a bit of ‘me time’ and slow down a bit. Take care

Tracey x