Relapse or severe fatigue??

Hi eeveryone ,

hope you’re all well as can be and can offer me a few comments as I’m so down at the moment

have been very lethargic, stiff and anxious for a couple of months and last couple weeks have had horrible muscle spasms coming and going all the time, worse in the early hours if waken and when I get up.

The restriction to mobility and the pain is getting me down, I know it’s nothing compared to others but as it makes my anxiety worse all the symptoms get worse too. Now the spasms are spreading g see here and I am getti g the hug and IBS stuff, I’m fed up!! I am starting to wonder whether this is a relapse or my anxiety getting out of control. I’ve had a very stressful 2014 and am highly strung at present due to family traumas a d awaiting my first grandchild.

i take 50mg pregabin twice daily and 1mg diazepam when spasms are severe or I feel at risk of panic atteck. I’ve been diagnosed 5 years (now 58yrs old) although I think I’ve had ms from eay 20s. I don’t have any motor damage and my symptoms are all sensory in the main, I have never had any definate relapses as such other than one bout of optic neuritis 10 yrs ago, I vary so much on a daily basis it’s too difficult to tell.

All I know is my fatigue is the worst it’s been, my muscle spasms are the worst they’ve been and generally I e got some pain most days…I just want to feel in control even if its just knowing its a relapse and have to sit it out, suppose I hope if its fatigue maybe there’s more I could do to help myself? Probably just being pathetic but its do e me good to write it down knowing somebody on here will listen!


I’m not an expert on medication and as I don’t take Pregabin I’m unsure what it’s used for, I just wanted to say I and many others take Baclofen for spasm, you need speak to your MS Nurse or your GP about what is the best medication for you.

Good luck

Jan x

Hi Wanderer, your diazepam dose is very low, 1 mg would not help me with spasm I take 5 mg to get some relief. Go back to your doctor and ask for something stronger they may prescribe you zanaflex or baclofen if they are not keen on upping the diazepam, some doctors are reluctant to give it as they are afraid of addiction. Thank god mine has no problem with me taking it.

if you can get relief from the spasms it makes a huge difference to your overall wellbeing, I know they make you feel crappy. If you can control the spasms I find it helps with the fatigue.

congratulations on your first grandchild being due, a very exciting time for you.

hope this helps,


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Hi wanderer,

Really sorry to hear that you’re going through it. Sounds horrendous for you. I’m sure that you have been told this but you have to cut yourself some slack as that’s a lot to contend with. Remember that MS is a very personal hell and you are not only allowed to be a bit pssd off once in a while but your symptoms are experienced by you, no one else. Sure enough there are others who may have it worse but there are also others who have it better.

Definitely a trip to the doctor or MS nurse is in order.

Take good care of yourself and congratulations on the grandchild news. Enjoy being the good cop and having lots of cuddles!

Fluffyollie xx

Hi Wanderer,

For most of my time as RRMS, my relapses were primarily fatigue, along with an increase in muscle spasms.
One Neuro told me that he did not consider fatigue alone as a sign of relapse, but that he looked for neurological indications as well. Seems to me that you meet that criteria.

So, yes, you could be having a relapse.

Take all the preceeding advice and contact MS Nurse and/or Neuro’s Secretary.


Thanks all of you for your comments, I think I’m coming out of a relapse now , all symptoms improvising daily and have an appt with ms nurse next week xx

Hi there I’m experiencing the most terrible spasms most noticeable when waking in morning . Feeling all twisted my arms curl in wrists and sometimes I wear splints at night . With having the spasms at night the tension in my back neck head the pain is totally debilitating and severe . I’m going back to my doctor today I can’t go on in this much pain . I take baclofen at night but really of late is doing little good.

I think I’m going to ask to go on gabapentin and tramodol to see if I cam get any relief .

The pain got worse since my last relapse at the beginning of this year . I don’t feel I have recovered properly . My fatigue stiffness spasms and mobility is cause for concern and I do wonder if I’m turning secondary .

Had relapsing symptoms for 22 years and only feel getting steadily worse now

Hi wanderer,

really feel for you as i am going through a very very stressful time of it with my daughter and grandaughter,my ms is really bad, i cant get out of bed much at all,and feel like i am loosing my b****y mind with it all,

wish i had some answers for you and myself,i am a mess i feel so helpless and frustrated,and i know all this stress will make me really ill for a long time too,i wish i could run away from it all i really do,i keep trying to calm myself but then another situation comes up to deal with,my gp said when i was diagnosed ‘you must avoid stress’ lol yeah right, stress is my middle name.

J x

Hi wanderer,

really feel for you as i am going through a very very stressful time of it with my daughter and grandaughter,my ms is really bad, i cant get out of bed much at all,and feel like i am loosing my b****y mind with it all,

wish i had some answers for you and myself,i am a mess i feel so helpless and frustrated,and i know all this stress will make me really ill for a long time too,i wish i could run away from it all i really do,i keep trying to calm myself but then another situation comes up to deal with,my gp said when i was diagnosed ‘you must avoid stress’ lol yeah right, stress is my middle name.

J x

I feel for you so here’s a hug from me . I’m in bed most the time just now . The pain my experiencing is unbearable I’m only 35 x