Last night I had an awful experience. At about 1am I woke to find I had a mouthful of bile/undigested food/sick - being disturbed I swallowed it (yuk), and had an awful cough and tickly throat. I took some gaviscon and slept sat up.
I had silent reflux probs last year fo the very first time (no previous history) which my consultant said was not MS related, but it wasn’t as sudden as this!! - It was almost like the fluid in my stomach just drained into mouth after laying down for a while! I have some acid reducing tablets which I’m going to take but my question is do you think it could be related and should I tell my MS nurse?
I take Omeprazole, and Motilium to help food transit because I too ended up with food regurgitating up my oesophagus and into my mouth/nose during sleep! Not a very nice experience is it. The throat will have burnt and it cant be good for the teeth either.
Try as Poll suggested, sleeping with two or more pillows, helps keep the food down. Also ask for stronger meds than gaviscon, it didnt work for me, not strong enough. Also try not eating after around 6pm because it gives the body chance to start digestion.
Im pretty sure stomach issues are ms related, after all there are nerves which control all food transit and if it slows down due to ms lesiions then it sounds to sense that something will happen, if food cannot go down as it should its bound to surface which it has with you and me.
I was told by neuro it wasnt ms related, but I dont believe her, too many other msers with similar problems for it not to be a coincidence.
I have this problem too, but my swallowing muscles aren’t working properly so I very nearly drown on my own sick…not fun. I take omeprazole and peptac which is by prescription and stronger than gaviscon. Try not eating 3 hrs before bedtime and sitting up after eating…it seems to work for me.
Guys I’m not diagnosed but have been having problems with swallowing and choking since becoming ill and I got a referral to an ENT consultant who I saw a couple of weeks ago.
He put the camera up my nose which really was quite tame after all the other tests you go through in this select club, and said no tumors or aything but complete loss of gag reflex… caused by a neurological event.
I go back for tests at ENT in a couple of months to eat food containing barium (or something like that i think) I think so they can see how the swallowing function works and am due to see neurologist in October.
I certainly never had problems before all this neurological stuff kicked off.
By the way I am so sorry for you all as it’s really scary and horrible.
It takes a fair amount to make me cry but I hate when it happens.