Hello. Anyone had a private neuro appointment recently? just wanting an idea of the cost please before I make a decision. x
Hi Blossom,
My neuro charges £240 for a first appointment and £120 thereafter. If you can find a neuro who works privately and also for the NHS, they may be willing to add you to their NHS list for testing so it won’t cost you anything. Hope this helps and best of luck.
Mags xx
£250 I was quoted Axx
Thanks for that Mags. I have an appointment to see neuro on the NHS but not till december. I’m newly diagnosed with MS. I’ve been referred by the neuro who arranged my scans. This neuro I’m seeing in december is at a specialist ms centre. He also specialises in headaches/migraine which are really bothering me…maybe I should just be patient and try and give medication a chance to work. I was just thinking about seeing him privately to speed things up. Thanks again x
Thank arwen x
Great minds think alike - I phoned Bupa today to find out prices! —
I was told the rate with BUPA was £250. This was for a 30 minute consultation, but I was told “if you have a lot to talk about and it runs over the 30 minutes, you would not be charged extra for that”. However, the £250 was for consultation only - any tests ordered (bloods, mris etc) would not be covered in the consultation fee - you would have to either pay for the tests separately or get referred back to NHS for them. I was just looking to discuss previous test results, so I didnt ask about fees for MRIs, but maybe other folk might have experience with that?
The big stumbling block for me was that although BUPA said they could arrange a private neurology appointment very quickly (within a week!), they did not have an MS specialist neurologist in my area - the closest private ms specialist they could find was 90 miles away! That surprised me as I live in a big city. So I decided not to go privately after all, as I don’t want to do a round trip of 200 miles for a 30 minute appointment! I thought I’d mention this - if you do decide to go privately , you may have to factor in travel if you request an MS specialist, although I guess this probably depends on where you live and the availability of private MS consultants in your area.
good luck with it all xxx
ahh, sorry Blossom… just read your later comment - you maybe dont need MRIs etc, just a consultation? I am in a similar situation - have been refered by old neuro to MS specialist (I’m not officially diagnosed at mo , but neuro said he thought it was MS, but wanted me to see specialist to be certain, and also so to discuss DMDs). But like you, my appointment isnt till december, so I was considering going privately to speed things up x
Thank you Pingu. I know its only three months to wait but it feels longer doesn’t it when your trying to get sorted. Good luck with your journey. x
so does any 1 have an MS nurse yet or drugs to help combat and control the out breaks,???
so has any1 got an MS nurse assigned to them ??? how long has ever1 been waiting for diagnosis ???
Blossom its worth contacting the new neuro’s secretery and letting them know you want an appoinment asap. They should be able to offer you someone elses cancellation as and when that happens. You just may need to be prepared to get there at short notice. In the meantime do you have an ms nurse you an talk to?
Blossom its worth contacting the new neuro’s secretery and letting them know you want an appoinment asap. They should be able to offer you someone elses cancellation as and when that happens. You just may need to be prepared to get there at short notice. In the meantime do you have an ms nurse you an talk to?
Blossom its worth contacting the new neuro’s secretery and letting them know you want an appoinment asap. They should be able to offer you someone elses cancellation as and when that happens. You just may need to be prepared to get there at short notice. In the meantime do you have an ms nurse you an talk to?
[/quote] Thank you humbug, that is an excellent idea. I can be available at short notice…will ring them on monday. Yes I do have an ms and she’s lovely but wants to wait until I’ve seen the specialist in December before advising me further. Thank you again
Hi Blossom, I think the 3 month wait is standard, unfortunately. My appt took 6 months from diagnosis to see the ms specialist, but thats because the first appt was never booked! Unfortunately my neuro doesnt do private appts either. I totally understand your frustration and hope you can get a cancellation.
Thanks for your reply daisyn. My specialist neuro does do private work luckily. Going to take humbugs advice though and try for cancellation…save a bit of money. I’m afraid I’m an aries, I dont do waiting. If there’s a quick way I’m taking it lol All the best to you. x
Hi Angel-Gail, re: MS nurse and drugs, I got diagnosed on 2nd Sept after just over a year of wondering. I was offered Copaxone as a disease modifying drug and after I’d read-up on it and talked to MS nurse on the phone I’ve decided to go for it. I’m a bit anxious about injecting myself daily, but I will see the MS nurse soon and she will show me what to do and I’ll just have to be brave:-).
I managed to get a cancellation by bothering the neurologist’s secretary (I was actually asking her whether he did private appointments as I couldn’t wait that long but I ended up getting distressed on the phone and she ended up giving me a cancellation shortly after). Incidentally the outcome was inconclusive (my symptoms dont match my MRI) and he has ordered another MRI, so more waiting.
Well done for getting the cancellation appt but bit phooey that you have to go for more tests.
Hope the headaches aren’t getting you down too much.
Take care
Angela x
[quote=“Puddinglover”] I managed to get a cancellation by bothering the neurologist’s secretary (I was actually asking her whether he did private appointments as I couldn’t wait that long but I ended up getting distressed on the phone and she ended up giving me a cancellation shortly after). Incidentally the outcome was inconclusive (my symptoms dont match my MRI) and he has ordered another MRI, so more waiting. [/quote] Its good to hear you managed to get a private appointment. Sorry you have to have a further scan. I have my diagnosis though. I asked to be referred to specialist ms center because according to NICE Guidlines, thats the care ms patients who are diagnosed or being investigated are entitled to. I’m only stating this in case anyone new to the forum doesn’t know. The main reason for my referral is due to chronic headaches/migraine…the consultant I’m seeing is specialised in this area so I’m hoping he can help. I am taking Topiramate 25mg…due to increase to 50mg tomorrow. Arwen said she fouind 100mg daily was her magical cure so I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed. All the best to you, I hope your scan goes well. Take care
I hope the topiramate works. 100mg was the miracle cure for me I rave about it to anyone with migraine as I’d been hospitalised for mine having to have iv morphine. Incidentally the neuro who specialises in migraines I saw was the nicest I have ever seen. Axx