PPMS and looking at 4 walls

Hi all,

My hubby has PPMS and tremors in his hands so needs help with feeding.

Just of late he feels hemmed in as he can nolonger get out alone and I feel so guilty while at work and thinking of him just sitting there.

Do you know of any London organisations who can maybe take him out during the day even to push him in his wheelchair around the shops or a day centre. The only thing about day centres are they appear to have a lot of just elderly people and I don’t mean to offend he is just 50 and needs some stimulation mentally of similar age range.



Hi, Have you tried to contact the MS society. They may have a day centre near by for people with MS. If they dont they may be able to point you in a direction of one. Alternatively you may be able to get domiscilary help and they could take him out. I get that for my son who has Downs Syndrome and Autism.

Hope you get sorted soon.

Moyna x

Hi Caz,

Would direct payments help you?

You could pay for a carer to take your husband out socially. It’s not just for personal care. I think the first step is an assessment by adult social care from the council.


Hello, is there a local branch of the MS society? My local one organises activities and gives contacts with othere organisations. There could also be a local disabled association. As Monya suggested, contacting the MS society would be a good start. Think of google as the modern day equivalent of all the leaflets and reference books you’d find in the local library!

Good wishes, Steve.

Hi, I would suggest the same as Jane (Wendells).

Direct Payments pays for carers to take me out.

Could he also use some personal care, as that`s what I also use mine for.

Hope this helps.

No fun going stir crazy, I know!

luv Pollx

We dont get any assistance with our payments so paying out more for people to take him out is not in our budgets.

We are looking at voluntary organisations.

Thanks all


hi caz

direct payments is from the same budget as DLA so are you absolutely sure that they can’t help.

carole x

Hi Caz,

I think there’s an MS Therapy Centre in Harrow and there could be others in London. Some have mini buses so transport wouldn’t be a problem. I’ve only attended a Centre in Herts, so can’t be of much help, but it may be worth seeing if there is one near to you.
