I’m sorry to bother everyone, there are probably loads of these posted every day. I am just really concerned about my symptoms and I needed to talk to someone.
First of all I had a slight numbness/pain in one hand (left) and the arm felt a little weak. It came on with a chest pain and the GP thought it could be my heart. I don’t know if that’s related to my other symptoms or not?
Anyway, then the left side of my jaw went numb for a bit. The numbness isn’t constant, it moves around. Sometimes it’s not really noticeable, sometimes it makes my mouth feel like I’ve just been to the dentist and had it numbed for a filling. Also it’s in different bits of my face - my jaw and chin or my nose or up by my eye. It moves around. My mum had a similar thing and her’s turned out to be migraines…
I’ve also been feeling dizzy. Just kind of off-balance, not like the room is spinning or anything.
The GP I went to said she didn’t know what it was so she sent me for an MRI (for peace of mind, she said) and referred me to a neurologist (I’m still waiting for an appointment with the neurologist but I had my MRI on Monday). Then I got a ringing in my left ear, so I went back. The GP (a different doctor) I spoke to then ignored the ear and looked at my records and told me what the first GP was checking for with the MRI was MS. He asked if I knew anything about it and I said no, then he proceeded to tell me how not all people who are sent for MRIs have MS, some come back negative. He told me how life-changing and serious it can be but when I tried to ask him more he just said there was no point talking about it (he was the one who brought it up!) because I would have to wait for the results of my MRI, which would take at least 10 days. Before that he couldn’t say if it was MS or not. Then he told me not to worry (!?) and sent me home, with no actual information about what he had said.
I had never thought about MS, but now he’s mentioned it, I’m really scared. It feels like there’s something hanging over me… I keep telling myself not to worry, he didn’t know what it was and the GP couldn’t diagnose MS anyway but he made it sound like it was really the only explanation for my symptoms. Now it’s all I can think about…
Can anyone give me any reassurance? How do I cope with waiting for the MRI results? Are there other explanations for my symptoms? I don’t know anything about MS and I don’t know if it’s a good idea to look it up in case I just freak out and convince myself I’ve got it…
Sorry for this message, I just felt like I needed to talk to people who understand what I’m feeling. And sorry for posting here. I don’t even know it’s MS…