Possible MS? Concerned

Hi, I know I can only be diagnosed by a doctor/neuro but I’d like to know if any of my symptoms seem like it may be MS.

My issues started in Nov 2022, I had really bad back and neck pain starting suddenly without any injury.
After 3 days of pain I had to see a GP. He couldn’t find anything wrong in his exam and sent me off with painkillers.
Later that night, the pain is really bad and my head is spinning/feeling dizzy I try to sleep it off but just feel awful. I get up from bad but feel light headed and end up fainting. I was taken to hosp er, they take bloods + ECG + chest x rays but everything comes back clear and I’m discharged.

3-4 days pass but nothing improves so my GP decides to admit me to hosp for further tests. IV painkillers etc help to reduce pain and all bloods+ l/spine c/spine t/spine x rays come back clear.After 3 days I’m discharged.

At this point some pain has subsided but I start experiencing fatigue,no appetite,dry lips/mouth and insomnia with difficulty breathing when laying down. Also following that I start experiencing numbness/tingling in hands and legs (mostly left side but a bit on the right), I also have random shocks in legs and pulse like feeling in head for a few seconds. Most of numbness only happened at night.
Also have random twitches in legs. After 2 weeks numbness in legs at night mostly subsides but I then have difficulty walking and knees sometimes buckle and can’t walk long distances without stopping for rest.

I eventually make an appointment with a specialist physician who runs every test he could including blood test, ultrasounds, EEG+Nerve Conduction and Brain and Cervical spine MRI. All tests come back clear with MRI showing only early/mild Degenerative Disc Disease and no lesions. The nerve test didn’t show any nerve damage and the Babinski test was negative.

Apologies for the long paragraphs. I’m just looking for answers

You sound a lot like me
I’ve got kneck, back pain I’ve also had sudden onset dizzyness, I’ve also got numb legs mainly right side and breathing and swallowing issues all this comes, and goes, I’ve had blood tests, testing for alsorts, xrays, mri all bloods come up normal and xrays.
My mri of head showed multiple white dots no one, said what they were. This has been going on for years comes and goes, I’ve tingly arms and hands, and weird electric shock things that hit random body areas. I’m currently under a, nuro surgeon and awaiting further investigations.

Do you also have trouble sleeping I do and als have weird heavy legs, trouble with stairs and I feel utterly exhausted all the time.

Hopefully we can both get answers soon but I’ve been trying for almost 3 years.

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The sudden onset dizziness is a problem for me too, I’m not even sure dizziness is the right word for it, it’s such a horrible feeling that’s hard to describe but I’ll give it a go.

The room isn’t always spinning but feels like I’m on a boat mild swaying, but the feeling comes over me in waves where I feel like I may pass out but never actually do. My chest muscles feel tight and trembly, and sometimes I get a rush of tingling through my body. It’s as if the dizziness is coming from my torso. It’s so overwhelming that when it happens I just have to lie down and feel terrible (first time it happened, I went to A&E). Wish I could articulate it better, the neuro I saw said dizziness is a cardiology issue and not something for him to diagnose…

Have also had neck/back pain and tingles all over the place. Some days my legs feel awful and I just feel under the weather, like the feeling you get in the early stages of a flu but nearly all the time. It’s so frustrating - I hope you get answers soon, it’s the waiting and not knowing that’s awful.

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That’s what my dizzyness was like it was as though I was swaying and spinning over.

I’ve started keeping a diary tracking things. These past 3 days I’ve felt well. I tend to notice when I feel better, it’s easier to notice that because I tend to feel unwell and odd the bulk of the time. My energy’s up and all the stiffness as gone but I do get tingles and shock pains.I’ve another appointment in March to see the nuro folks now they’ve pulled my mris of brain. On I plod.

Hi, thankfully my dizziness only lasted a matter of hours during my initial onset of symptoms which led to me going to the ER. Things have only gotten worse since then unfortunately, everyday seems to bring new issues but I try to push on and get on with life. Hopefully you get answers and things settle for you!

Hi Paula, i had insomnia but only during the initial “attack”(relapse?) It lasted about 2-3 weeks along with no appetite. I had breathing problems when laying down so I couldn’t sleep and went 2 full days without any sleep. Drs prescribed sleeping pills but intially they didn’t do much. Thankfully I can now sleep, although I do have numbness and sometimes pain my left leg. I also have numbness in my arms and hands while sleeping ( this comes and goes, so I have a week or 2 without these issues the rinse repeat)