poss myelin repair


Just read on ceefax on bbc1 earlier today some interesting MS info that might help us in, oh i don’t know; maybe 30 years time…

Anyway thought id post n see if anyone else read it or knows anything about it?

I read that the scientistist have been messing around with Human skin cells or something like this; and apparently on rats / animals of some kind; they have been able to repair the damadged myelin in their heads.

now i know that this is very very early stages but it was a nice little perk to read something out of the blue that there might still be things , albeit in many yrs, that might help us one day .

hope we all wel n happy,


Anna x

Its a nice feeling we can cure mice of anything now, now to cure humans…

It is kinda early but stem cell’s could hold the key to repairing all damage done by ms or turn us into superheros! In a couple of years people will be trying to get in on the trials, well i know i will be.


I don’t think it’s that new. Stem cell therapy has been a major MS research area for some time, and has been trialled on small numbers of patients, with some success. I’m talking about properly run clinical trials, here, NOT therapies offered for profit, by dodgy foreign clinics. Unfortunately, bogus practitioners have created confusion about whether it is a genuine form of therapy or not. It IS, but only if you choose the right people to do it for you, which will almost certainly be as part of a trial, but not by anyone demanding a fee.

Anyway, the new part is that they might in future be able to do it from skin cells, which would be less painful and invasive than the former method, which required bone marrow harvesting. If it worked as well, it would clearly be superior.



It would be great although my brothers response was hilarious!! ‘they all seem so eager to cure all of these mice eh! hope they get something sorted for humans soon!’ Made me giggle!

Quote from the BBC news item:

A team of scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center, in the US, used advances in stem-cell research to attempt to repair the myelin.

They took a sample of human skin cells and converted it into stem cells, which are capable of becoming any other type of cell in the body.

The next step was to transform the stem cells into immature versions of cells in the brain that produce myelin.

When these cells had been injected into mice born without any myelin it had had a significant effect, said researchers.

Dr Steven Goldman told the BBC that “myelin was produced throughout the nervous system”