PIP form 12 months early

Hi all,

I have / or i should say my husband has completed PIP form on my behalf , I have been getting payment my payment were to expire this time next year. Does anyone know how long to wait and what happens from here onwards?

I depend on this payment so mind is stressed big time.

Thank you in advance

Hi crazychick

I’m not quite sure what you’re asking. Do you mean you’ve already been assessed for PIP and they’ve sent you a renewal form a year early? Or that you’ve been on DLA with a renewal date of next year and they’ve decided to migrate you onto PIP now?

In either case, it seems that the DWP / their outsourced assessors have been racing through most applications. So. Would expect you’ll hear within the next month or so. Other people who’ve been migrated from DLA to PIP or who have had a PIP renewal process will be able to give you a better idea.



you are likely to get the renewal forms well in advance of the assessment renewal date so that the process can begin. The award ends the day before your last assessment ‘x’ number of years as per the award letter.

probably explained it causing more confusion.

if your last assessment date was 2nd March 2016 and the award was 3 years then the award ends 1st March 2019 so expect the renewal forms well in advance of 1st March 2019.


All dla is getting phased out for pip, whenever it hits your county. It was the l.D.Smith universal credit benefits idea that’s rolled, or being rolled out. Sounds like it’s taking effect in your area, and their letting you know. There’s no indefinate time scale no more, assessed every 2 years either at home, or a assessment centre. Good luck with things, and remember until it’s all been done for you, and reappointed you will continue payment as per norm.

Can take up to 12 weeks for a decision.

universal credit is ONLY replacing income based benefits so would have no effect on PIP.

The longest PIP can be awarded is 5 years(I think) but all the reassessment forms go out in advance to enable claimants to get evidence together.

Home assessment usually only happens if a claimants doctor asks for that and is not always granted unless a claimant is completely confined to bed.(if your able to walk around in your home you will probably have your assessment at an assessment centre.

universal credit is ONLY replacing income based benefits so would have no effect on PIP.

The longest PIP can be awarded is 5 years(I think) but all the reassessment forms go out in advance to enable claimants to get evidence together.

Home assessment usually only happens if a claimants doctor asks for that and is not always granted unless a claimant is completely confined to bed.(if your able to walk around in your home you will probably have your assessment at an assessment centre.

D.l.a was renamed like all benefits when this changed via the dwp software namely universal. I said home assessment as I didn’t know how m.s affects yourself, this will be explained when you receive the letter about your assessment. And please do advise us of the time granted, as there was a protest at parliament about the 2 years being granted to people who had been lifelong mentally, or physically handicapped, and i’ve not heard of any being over 2 years, due the new assessment within pip.

It also has 2 components on mobility, and care unlike d.l.a which had 3. All details can be checked the gov.UK site.


10 years is the longest I think although longer is not unheard of.


I’ve just been assessed. My award is for an “ongoing period”. It states they won’t contact me until after 2026.



DLA or Disability Living Allowance was made up of 2 components, these were Personal Care and a Mobility Allowance, PIP or Personal Independence Payment is also made up of the SAME components, although the Personal Care component has been given a new name.

The differences between the two is DLA had a low, middle and high rate personal care component and PIP only has standard and enhanced rate for either components and the goalposts were narrowed so claimants who qualified for low rate personal care or low rate mobility no longer meet the requirements for PIP.

Short term PIP award are up to 2 years, longer term awards are 5 to 10 years but these are as rear as hens teeth and awards are generally 3 to 5 years, although if a claimants condition worsens significantly during this time they can ask for another assessment.

Ive read that the assessment process is currently taking 12 weeks depending where you live.

So up to 2026 on a on going period ah well at least we all know now. I know 3 rates of pay moved to 2 rates for each component typo, but never mind life goes on.

I got my contacted by ATOS in January and my ‘end’ date was not til December this year so I expected my review wouldn’t take place til later in the year. So I rang the DWP and they said ATOS could approach me, up to 12 months before that date.

Given the difficulties I had the first time around (mandatory reconsideration etc.), we discussed it and decided to go for it asap as husband wasn’t working and we’d have more time to deal with it if we had problems again.

I was relieved to discover that the DWP agreed to extend for a few years (after 2 phonecalls) but the date is from the date of the ATOS recommendation - not from when I expected it to be reviewed - so haven’t actually gained anything by beng eviewed early.

So I can’t say I was too impressed - avoiding stress is usually the best for MS so all I’d say is, don’t hurry yourself.

Sonia x

Hi all thank you for you response. I HATE FILLING FORMS AND WAITING it stresses me out and not looking forward to f2f assessment cause i know for a fact it will bring my panic attacks up another stressful wait !!!

Hi Ssssue

Thank you for your reply im currently on PIP so its a renewal process.


With a bit of luck and some supporting evidence, you might not have to have another physical assessment so soon after the last one. Have you had a neurologist appointment recently in which s/he has copied you in to a GP report? (Or can you ask for one?) Have you had any other correspondence that could be used as evidence that your physical abilities haven’t improved since the last time they checked? Preferably something relatively official. Even get your MS nurse to write you a letter detailing your current physical condition.

If you do go down the route of asking your MS nurse to write you a letter, make sure s/he knows which descriptors you are expecting the letter to show you fulfil, ie show her/him a copy of: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Global/Migrated_Documents/adviceguide/pip-9-table-of-activities-descriptors-and-points.pdf

Assuming you kept a copy of the form you completed last time, read it through to ensure what you say this time isn’t identical, but says roughly the same things. If you didn’t keep a copy, make sure you read the descriptors in the link, see where you have scored points before and make sure you demonstrate in your form that you fulfil them again. Get someone who’s opinion you trust to read through the descriptors and make sure you have met the appropriate ones.

If you haven’t already, consider joining http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/ their guides are very good, correct and up to date.

Always ensure you take a photocopy of your form and any evidence you send to back it up and send it recorded delivery.


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My tuppence worth! Just been reassessed, awarded ongoing but says 2026 and I’m primary progressive and getting worse, don’t know of any longer then 10 years. Also, nindancer is correct they can contact you for re-assessment up to 12 months before end date, their excuse is that they can then make sure there are no breaks in PIP payments! Also, having just been reassessed, the experience was brilliant completely opposite to my first experience where I had to take DWP to tribunal, search PIP in primary progressive part of forum and you can read my experience.

Mr Wobbly