PIP Assessment tomorrow-any tips?

Evening all. OH has a PIP assessment tomorrow morning. Any tips? Some people on the forum seem to have had a difficult time, others seem more straight forward so I’d be grateful for any pointers. Thanks x


be honest and tell it as it is, even if it is hard to do.

if a problem occurs on more days than it doesn’t then tell them that it happens more days than it doesn’t. That will score points.

remember what you put on the form. You will be assessed from arrival to departing as well as all inbetween

All the best


Hi, only speak of your worst days, don’t let them answer or assume for you, they are unlikely to understand your condition. Take any aids you use even if it’s a good day. They can only ‘see’ disability, not feel it. My assessor had come into reception before I met, I think she was checking me out, got asked stairs or lift, catch out again. Have your guard up, they will write to your consultant, so he will have medical evidence to back up what you say. Sorry if this is negative but I have just been part of the MS Enough campaign, along with myself, others stories were not complimentary or successful. Hope this helps and Good Luck, sadly you will need it xx

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Good luck.

How did it go?

luv Pollx

Difficult to say really. I thought some of the questions were so ambiguous and could have been answered in any number of ways, seemed to be questioning his mental capability more than addressing the physical problems he has. But OH was good. Made it clear that his running days are over, didn’t move his legs when being physically assessed,

6-8 weeks wait now. Let’s hope.

thank for asking xx

sorry i did’nt reply before, but i think i mist the post, DOH! i hope all is gud for you, as jayneeb, says it rite! although it wood be so nice & correct to play fair & even, they do not play so good when your ass is out of that door!! my assesore was so nice & polite.understanding, full of s%#$, sorry, ambiguous! read twisted, no im not a fan,

i do wish you so much luck. Julien x