People at work complaining I am using 'my disability card' to get special treatment

I am gutted. Work are usually really supportive (often begrudgingly, but they at least pretend to be willing to support my needs). I was called into management today to say someone in my Department has complained about me ‘using my (metaphoric) disability card’. I only ever use my disability as a reason if I really can’t do something or if I will really struggle with it - like meetings after 6.30pm where I am so tired I struggle to talk properly.

I really don’t think management should have brought it to me - I feel a bit like ‘hey, your work colleagues are complaining as they think you are faking it’

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Hi elc83, Ah that’s not nice for you to hear and I do wonder why management said this to you and didn’t take it more up with the person, or persons who are complaining, I wonder how they would deal with it if they had to. You’re going to be looking at everyone now in a different light now, which again is sad, not unless they said who it was.
Chin up and take care of yourself.
Jean x


I don’t know whether I’m annoyed more by your weasel of a colleague or by your manager’s spineless ineptitude.


And did management say what happens now, what you are supposed to do or anything or, to put it bluntly, are management totally useless and incompetent (promoted above their abilities)? If you have a Union you could give them a call



Oh that’s an awful thing to say by one of your work mates. It will make you look at them all differently in the future.

Please keep your head held high and take care.

Pam x

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I am so very sorry that you have been made to feel this way.
You know full well what you are and not fit to do and your colleagues and management have not been supportive throughout this horrible episode.
Easy for me to say but continue to be you and one day these people may realise just how unsupportive and downright mean they have been at this time.
Stay you.
Much love


Go to HR. It’s discrimination


Thank you - union have been contacted, they were supposed to be any meeting that was more than ‘how are you doing?’ Which is what it started as. They definitely should not have mentioned it without my union representation

Thank you. That’s what I think - they should not have brought it to me

Please keep careful notes of what was said by whom and when. Time may come when this upsetting episode (plus other unsupportive and clumsy actions) works to your favour when your employers’ lawyers advise them that they had better settle generously and fast, as they haven’t a legal leg to stand on.


I have, but pretty sure it will get ignored

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Pretty shitty behaviour from your colleague and dreadful behaviour from management with the way they’ve handled this. As others have said, make sure that HR are in attendance at all relevant meetings. If HR aren’t’ t there for whatever reasons, end the meeting ASAP and only reconvene when HRcan be present.