My wife has had MS for some years now and also has Alzheimer’s disease . I recently had to take her to the dentist and rather than park on yellow lines on a main arterial road (which is allowed) I parked in a near by North East Lincolnshire car park. All the disabled parking bays where taken so I parked in an area it would be safe to allow my wife access from the car to a wheelchair. To do this I was not able to use the parking bay correctly due to insufficient space for the door to open fully for my wife to alight.
Because it was a Monday afternoon and the car park was only around 30% used I did not consider this to be a problem, placed the Blue badge and Time Clock in the window.
Upon return after around 20 minues a parking ticket was on the screen for parking outside of the designated bay. I appealed this with an explanation. My appeal was not allowed.
My wife has now been served with a notice. I have filled the form in asking if they will accept my explanation as her husband and carer and that because of her condition she cannot complete the form.
I do not know what the outcome will be because the form says they will add more money to what is already outstanding £50.00 so far.
The stress this is causing is beyond belief when surly a little leeway on behalf of the local authority should be given and perhaps common sense.
Of course I am prepared to go to court with this but it appears they are going for my wife as the Register Owner of the vehicle which is on the Mobility Scheme,
Could anyone offer any advise.
I am not able to tell from your post where you parked but that is probably me not understanding, to be honest.
Did you park in a council car park? Or, a private car park? A regular parking bay? Or, did you park in the carpark but not in a parking bay?
My council allows bb holders to park in regular bays but not on yellow or double yellow in car parks. Basically no one can park anywhere outside a parking bay in any carpark regardless of a blue badge.
So, I am afraid it depends on where you parked, how you parked, what your particular council says about parking in car parks with blue badges. Check with your local council regarding their particular bb parking regulations and car park parking regs.
Commiserations. It is unfortunate that so many seeming able bodied people use bb spots and take the mick daily and seemingly without repercussions.
Good luck.
You need to be wary in all car parks as they have disabled spaces, they do not offer a concession. Most car parking is controlled by contractors as opposed to the local authority/landowner. Note if clamped the clamper must be in possession of the correct SIA licence or they are breaking the law, The controlling company will issue a CPN (civilian parking notice) it often looks like a fixed penalty. They get details of keeper from DVLA. You can look in money saving expert. Com for advice on how to deal with them Generally they will enforce and nt revoke. If the ticket s not paid they can only pursue civilly not criminally, they generally take a photo too for evidence. Sorry these are the fats it is hard for them to be overturned
Hi Anon
I discussed w/ my husband and he thought what happened is exactly what you described about private parking enforcers. The notice does look like a fixed penalty.
Honest John from the Telegraph also addresses this issue in his motoring q/a.
Hi Have a look at as they have a bit about private tickets. Sadly there is nothing that can be done as paring enforcement is no longer a police issue. It is the responsibility of the local authority for on street and car park owners who they use. Generally you are stuck with it. If it is clear cut the offence was committed best paying in 14 days to get the reduction Sorry but the best I can offer