Oligoclonal bands, please help

Hi again :slightly_smiling_face:

I added a post a couple of days ago with an MRI scan which showed multiple white lesions in various places, including mild atrophy in the corpus collosum

Had a spinal mri and that showed no demyelination but I have a Thoracic sprinx…

My lumbar puncture says this…
‘There are oligoclonal bands in the CSF with only a few weak IgG bands in the serum which suggests a limited systemic response, but the predominant immune reaction is local synthesis within the CNS. These findings are consistent with demyelination but may also be found in infections or autoimmune diseases affecting the CNS.’

My doctor thinks it’s definitely MS, but doesn’t want to give me an official diagnoses until I see a neurologist

I don’t want to get my hopes up in thinking I haven’t got it because my GP isn’t 100%, but equally I think I’d rather know now rather than be shocked all over again

Would really appreciate some insight, thank you for getting this far xx

I guess the only honest answer is to wait until the neurologist sees you.
My GP suggested MS years before my Dx.

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