Nystagmus diagnosis

Has anyone been diagnosed with Nystagmus, what were your symptoms, what were your treatment, and did you improve?


Hi, I just wanted to say, I’m sorry you’re suffering from this, it’s horrible. I had it for 6 weeks, it’s not nice. Hope it eases for you, mines did and eventually it has disappeared. X

Research shows new presciption glasses can help.

Just found this online. For you or others.

I have Nystumus for many years. Its in my left eye and it comes and goes. I was not diagnosed with Nystagmus. The only treatment that worked for me was smoking weed. Almost instant relief. However, it was only a temp solution. I dont do it now, as it impacts my mobility and balance.

My wife has this condition if she looks left her left eye moves and the other is stationary and visa versa.
Her eyes wobble in general, we have seen a consultant opthamologist who tried prisms on her glasses, he even tried a patch over one eye to encourage the other one to work more.
Non of these worked and the conclusion so that he could not done anything and that she must learn to manage the symptoms. Some chance of that, it has ruined our lives it is there day after day with no let up. I feel so sorry for what my wife is having to go through.

Hi @Mindful1,

After have eye ‘shudders’ - involuntary movement side to side - for over a couple of years and rescheduled Ophthalmology appointments, my optician believes it is Nystagmus - but I do have another Ophthalmology appointment soon.

My ‘shudders’ are becoming frequent and for a second, my vision is affected.

I’m sorry you have been affected by it also.

Nin x

Instagram (invisible_load_of_life)