Numbness in bottom my spine

Hiya everyone . I’m currently not well . Got lot numbness in bottom my spine . It’s usually where I’m in pain . Also my arm is feeling heavy and my hand can’t grip things . Am I having major relapse ? So worried . But trying not to be as it makes it worse x can anyone give me some advice on what to do ?

Sounds like a relapse to me. Have you called your MS nurse?

In the meantime rest lots, accept that it’s crap right now, but it will get better eventually, and ask for and accept as much help as needed to make your life easier. No point in stressing - it won’t change anything after all :frowning:

Do make sure that you haven’t got a UTI or any other infection or the like though - they can cause “pseudo-relapses”.

Karen x

Hi , yeah that’s true . No infection ruled out . It’s scary though . Yeah your right bout not stressing . Hope your ok xxx Hope it will pass . Thank you for talking to me