Not sure what to do??


I noticed yesterday that my “lady area” was quite numb and by the end of last night and continuing this morning I can’t feel myself going to the loo, either 1s or 2s.Also noticed in shower this morning most of left hand side of my upper body is numb too.

Don’t know if this a temporary numbness episode that will pass so should just ignore it, or if I should alert GP or go to A&E.

I’m under investigation for MS but really don’t want to go to hospital if it can be avoided as from previous experiences they just seem to stand around scratching there heads and umming and arghing and I end up getting sent home with them saying they not sure whats wrong with me so it’s all a waste of time.

Anyone else here get temporary areas of numbness and the feeling returns? As its the bladder etc. area not sure if I need to take this more seriously or not.

Any advice anyone?

Thanks x

Oh Bunny, poor you, that sounds horrid.

I don’t know what the best advice is, or whether you should go to A&E, but I think definitely alert your GP at least. Today. Then they can advise you of the best course of action.

Failing that, maybe ring 111 and ask their advice?

I’m sure someone more knowledgeable than me will be along shortly to give you more concrete advice.

I hope it improves for you soon

PG xx

If a person has an MS dx, it isn’t hard to figure out what the trouble is when that sort of thing happens. Then it’s a matter of waiting and seeing whether it develops into anything problematical enough to bother telling anyone.

But in your non-dx state I think it is important that you flag up promptly new stuff that is going on, because it is another piece in the jigsaw of information that will help the doctors to find out what is the matter with you. I would talk to the GP for a start, if I were you. Also, make a note of what is happening and when (I am sure that you are doing this anyway) so that you have the info to hand for future consultations with specialists.


Thanks Alison and Pandagal.

I am waiting for a call from my GP and will discuss with him best thing to do.

Hey ho, something new everyday it seems!


Hello I too get the numbness you describe but not as bad. Your right to discuss it with your doc. Definitely not A&E :slight_smile: Good luck :slight_smile:

Hi Bunny,

I have been watching your posts and realise just like me you have been running around in circles.

I first saw a neuro and had MRIs LP etc in 1991. All clear. Suffered from inexplained fatigue on and off then numbness appeared again in 2005. Another MRI LP etc all clear. This went then in 2008 appeared again and I just ignored it until in 2010 spaticity joined in - right leg. Saw neuro again in 2011 had MRI and LP. LP clear but MRI showed dodgy area in spinal cord. He said it was from radiation treatment I had in 1990!. Saw new neuro in 2012, LP clear again, MRI spine still dodgey. Had another MRI in June 2013 MRI clear but dodgy again in October 2013! I have been started on intensive B12 injections as have pernious anemia - not sure whether that caused neuro problems although it certainly halps with fatigue. GP has decided a fresh (3rd) opinion may be helpful so have another appintment in May at a different hospital.

Take Care

Moyna xxx

Goodness me Moyna, so sorry that after all these years you still not got an answer!

I had bloods done last year and B12 was fine, no amenia at the time though its worth asking when I see the neuro.

My first MR showed 7+ lesions and Delymenination but the neuro I was seeing then just dismissed it as aging, i’m only 49, and sent me away with anti-depressants. Had 2 major “incidents” last year 6 months apart where I ended up in hospital due to extreme weakness, loss of feeling in legs and arms and all the other bits and bobs that could be MS (or something) symptoms. neuro still did nothing but sent me for ENT tests which showed an inner ear abnormality which may or may not be contributing to the balance issues.

I feel like i’m heading for another “incident” as over the last couple of weeks especially I have been getting worse and worse with new and unusual symptoms poppimg up. I’ worried I will collapse again, but I won’t go to hospital if I do as they never do anything. I might book a few days off work now as feel something coming on and i’d rather pre-empt it and stay at home rather than anything happen at work. Can’t take the drama!

GP I saw this week feels that ther ehave been enough changes and variation of symptoms over a period of time to strongly suggest MS so he’s referred me to a different neuro who specialises in MS. Just hope this neuro is better than the other one I saw.

Feeling has started to return a bit “down below” this morning, less numb but very pins and needly and still can’t go to loo properly. Honestly I would never have believed it’s possible to have so many different symptoms all at once. And worse despite all these no one can tell me whats wrong…yet.

Hope your appt goes ok in May and you get a cleaerer picture of what’s going on. I feel your frustration

Take care xxx

Hi and thanks Bunny.

I am 49 too and I reckon the older you get it is harded to diagmose. Have you ever had a lumbar puncture? Have you recovered relatively well from relapses? If so you may do well on DMDs if they would huury up and dx you. If it turns out to be MS for me then I actually think I have secondary progressive after 20+ years of benign inactive MS. Yet in I my head I dont think i could have that with the serious of normal lumbar punctures.

Moyna xxx

Hi Moyna,

No not had a lumbar puncture yet. I know some neuros don’t do them anyway. If the episodes I have had are relapses, then no I have not recovered very well inbetween. I have recovered to a certain extent but have been left with ongoing symptoms between each episode. So possibly Primary progressive but some people with RRMS on here say they are left with residual symptoms after each relapse so just as likely to be RRMS.

Interesteringly I have just been speaking to a chief medical underwriter at work. She has a vast knowledge of medical conditions and now she knows it has been confirmed this may be MS she has been honest with me and said that is what she thought all along too. She said if it’s not MS then it must definately be some kind of neurological/auto-immund disease so she says I need to keep plugging away at getting diagnosed so I can ge the right treatment.

I know she and the GP and doc at the hospital who saw me last time are right, I don’t think there is any escaping the fact that whatever I have is brain/nervous system disease of some sort, it’s just finding out which one now.

So many people here have had normal MRIs and lumbar punctures yet still end up with DX, really weird how that can happen and makes me understand why this is so hard to diagnose.

Hope yours doesn’t turn out to be SPMS. Keeping my fingers crossed for you xx

Hello everyone This is the first time that I’ve posted on this forum (any forum actually). I’ve just been diagnosed with MSG after a collapse and a 9 day stay in the hospital. They still don’t know what type I have and apparently that will happen after I’ve had another attack. Before I had this attack I had a similar problem with numbness in areas that you don’t really want to talk about and I also had ‘sore’ feeling skin on different parts of my body, but just put it down to one of these things. This had been going on for quite a while if I’m honest, but like most people I ignored it! When the big collapse happened I couldn’t do anything and I know now that I should have don’t something about it well before things got bad. I also had a numbness in both hands, arms and legs, jack and top of my chest and a really tight feeling around my rib cage, oh and I couldn’t feel the back of my head either. It took 1 CAT scan, 2 MRI scan, 2 ‘electrocutions’ (I don’t know what the name of that test is), a lumbar puncture and several other test before they told me what was wrong and started to treat me with steriods for 4 days. I do feel for everyone on here and I have to concur that it’s really not straightforward to work out what is a symptom and what’s not and I’m hoping to find out a bit more tomorrow when I have a routine MRI scan to see if anymore lesions have formed. There are still some bits of symptoms left over from 4 weeks ago, but I have no idea if that’s normal or not. So, I’m feeling a bit unsure about things at the moment, but I’m sure that I’ll find out what type I have sooner or later!! I’m 46 by the way. Rachel