no longer postin

ok i get the feelin im not that popular round here since the thread got shut down, so ill just be readin threads from now on instead of posting any replys or doing any threads after this one, save any hassle. please dont bother with any sarcastic replys

Hello Vicki,

I’m afraid I have no knowledge of your thread and why it was shut down, but if you are getting benefit from the forum I wouldn’t give up.


Hi Vicki, I’ve been on here briefly today but I can’t remember seeing a post from you so I’m not sure what’s going on. Someone had a go at me the other day but I’m not going to let him stop me from posting. It would be a shame if you stopped posting espeicially if you feel you really want to put any points across or ask any questions. Maybe you’ll change your mind??


i have only seen the 12 days of christmas post and the one about ATOS and neither was offensive.

have the mods given you any idea of why your thread was closed?

so thats 3 replies who all think you should stay.

carole x

Hi Vicki - I once got a message saying one of my posts was being delayed to be checked by the mods and I think other people have queried the same. I think it’s a routine thing - if that’s what’s happened?

I hope you keep posting! Deb x

If you are talking about Dave’s thread or another one that EJC was being obnoxious on, please don’t worry about it at all. Any ill feeling was well and truly directed at EJC. Absolutely none at you that I know of or can even imagine - all you did was express things that a lot of us were feeling, but not saying.

It’s sometimes easy to think that comments on here are directed at ourselves when they aren’t. I think this might be one of those occasions as I can’t think of any other explanation for your post.

So don’t let that s**** stirrer spoil the forum for you. Put the whole thing behind you and join in as normal. It was him, not you.

Karen x

Hear hear Karen and funny old thing he dosen’t seem tobe making comment anymore thank goodness. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and a healthier New Year Sue xxx

Hi, I agree it’s easy to think posts are directed at us… and also easy to think everything that’s happened on the forum is noticed (and remembered!) by everyone.

I remember the EJC thread but I don’t remember any other posts in the thread!

Carry on posting Vicki please…

Pat x

Hi Vicki, as others have said, I never saw anything bad aimed at you either.

So please dont leave or stop posting.

merry Christmas hun.

luv Pollx

sorry everyone, i was havin a really bad day wen i posted this, mood went to a low, my legs were hurtin like hell n my head wont stop killin me

have a really happy xmas everyone to you and your family’s, i hope that next year will better for all of us, im slowly learning that anythin that gets thrown our way can be overcome or adapted, i thought that in nearly 9 months i was over bein told i had ms n got used to it, but theres times when i still think why me n get this out my body coz i dont want it, how long does it take to get used to it? i know everythin happens for a reason n i try to see a funny side to keep me sane, but i struggle with it at times

vicki, we all struggle with it at times

and just when u think its not so bad it throws another at you (eg my bladder)

i’ve done 4 years now and although i’d say about 70 per cent of it has been ok and some good, i’ve been having a really rough couple of weeks. UTI’s and the cold from hell.

but i know from past experience that ms is unpedictable and tomorrow i might be feeling great

when i’m really mad at ms i swear at it a lot. i even slap my legs when they go wonky. the slap hurts so there must be nerves working in there. also i sing “spasticus autisticus” when i feel like a complete wreck, it makes me smile in memory of ian dury.

i really think i’m going bonkers but what the heck

chin up girl, you’ll be ok if not fantastic

have a wonderful christmas

carole x