Hey everyone,
I have posted on here a couple of times previously about my symptoms but last week i was diagnosed with MS, the day i had dreaded for 2 years. I firstly had optical neuritis and was told from an MRI i had 2 lesions on my brain in aug 2016 and dec 2017 i woke up and was numb down my left side, i could still walk it was just a very strange sensation, like the aftermath of pins and needles, after another MRI i was told i had a new lesions but this time on my spinal cord which has led to the diagnosis. Im suffering with coming to terms with it and i feel like im alone as i dont know anyone else with it and its so hard to speak to people who dont know anything about it! I just wanted to know how everyone else dealt with the diagnosis. Also did you tell everyone? I have told my close family, my manager and a couple of very close friends but i am due to start Tecfidera in a week or so and i am worried i might get side effects and other people ask questions so im in 2 minds if i should tell people?
Whats peoples experience with Tecfidera?
has anyone tried the overcoming MS programme and is it worth a try?
any advice on being newly diagnosed is very much appreciated.
thank you in advance, Sophie