Newly Diagnosed looking for friends/support

Hi guys,

Im a 22 year old female diagnosed yesterday with MS. My neurologist is 99% sure I have MS but I am undergoing further testing (another MRI) to confirm the diagnosis. Im so unbelievably shocked. I live in East Sussex and I was wondering if there are any people out there in a similar position to me who are around my age?


I’m so sorry to hear

Are your family being supportive?

I’m no where near you but I’ve looked online and there is a charity which runs social events called the The MS Society also have groups in your area. There is also an online forum called Shift MS which attracts younger people.

Hello! I’m in Brighton - Portslade. My mum has it too, and she’s in the Eastbourne area so we’ve got East Sussex covered if you need a chat/beer/shoulder etc! Depending on where you are, I also have a fantastic nurse and the contact details of a lovely lady who organises a pub get together for young people with MS.

Hiya, I’m 22 too and I’m in Oxford, so I’m afraid pretty far away. I haven’t been diagnosed but am going for a second MRI to see hoes the situation is looking, also got told this by my neurologist yesterday. Let me know if you ever want to talk or are near the area. Hope you’re ok x


Hellooo, my name is Abbie. I’m 23 and from south Wales, and was diagnosed 4 months ago. It took a long time and what seemed like a million tests before I finally got my answer. In a weird kind of way it was a relief, finally having am answer to what had been going on over the last 4-5 years. I’ve not always posted on this site, but do find it very helpful to read. I dont know what your current situation is but I sort of count myself lucky in a way, as at the moment I cant say I suffer any life changing symptoms. I have found doing a lot if research has helped understand more. I’ve also shown my friends all the information, so they have an understanding. I’m happy to have a chat any time :slight_smile: x