Sorry for the long post but i thought best to start at the begining. In Novemeber my partner had to go to have an mri scan done at our local hospital,due to the fact he had lost total feeling in his right arm and hand (he had previous epsiodes in his legs too) on the 8th dec he had to go and meet with the consultant to discuss the results of the mri. The consultant was very good and went through all my partners previous medical history ( double vision in 1 eye loss of feeling in his knee at 16 etc) the consultant then went on to explain his mri results and said that they showed up white dots?(i think thats what he called them lol) and explained this showed nerve endings uncoliling and then used a very good example of a chocolate bar lossing its wrapping…he then deleivered us with the news that it looks like MS due to the mri results and periovs medical history,he also explained that my partner would be feeling tired all the time and i said he has been like that for the last year and a half just easily falling asleep etc. We are now waiting for another full spinal mri which is on the 25th Jan, then a lumberpunctare and something to do with the optic nerves or something behind your eyes. I was wondering how long it takes for an offical diagnosis etc.??
My partners local GP also signed him off work for 1 month and did not want him to go back this week (as my partners job is manual handling and because of his hand) but my partner has gone back and his work are being very helpful and understanding.
I am just very worried about my partner at the present moment he seems to be in denial and even accused the consultant of lying /9down to schock i know) but the consultant told him that he is very sorry but due to the 1st mri scan it almost defintley looks like MS. My partner is also very snappy and I think he is slightly deppresed, he keeps saying I am going to leave him I wont love him anymore and I do I love him more than anything we have been together for 10years since i was 15 and we have 3 children together and due to get married in August this year, I just wish we could get an official diagnosis sooner so we know whats what etc.
Also when someone gets officlally diagnosed with MS does anything have to change ie with work and housing (as we are local housing assocation)
Sorry again for the long post but I didnt know who else to ask.
Hope some one can answer my questions