Neuro this evening - wish me luck!

Hi guys! Well, I’m going for what will be my last appointment with my current neuro.

After two years of messing around and delays, I’ve decided to bite the bullet and see him privately for my second MRI (April) results before he goes on holiday as the thought of waiting another few months to be no closer is just unbearable.

Hopefully, by tonight I’ll either have a diagnosis or a referral. Either way, I’m going to see someone else as I have no confidence in this guy.

So wish me luck!

Mags :slight_smile: xx

Good luck Mags Ppx

Good luck from me too. Seen so many rubbish neuros myself.

14 yrs of toing and froing for me. had 3 possible dxs.

Let us know how it goes, yeh?

luv Pollx

Good luck AuntieMoggs.XXX


Good luck mags xxx

Good luck xx

Thanks guys! Boy, do I feel a plonker!

He was acually nice to me and didn’t rush me at all which was quite a change.

Dx’d me with MS. Not sure what type yet so he has given me a prescription for steroids on the basis that if I start to feel better it is probably RR and I can have DMDs.

So I guess I’ll be hanging around then.

Mags :slight_smile: xx

Really pleased that he was nice and it went well - well sort of, a dx of MS is not exactly good news!

I hope the steroids work well for you. If you’re having IV, I recommend Murray Mints - they mask the terrible taste that steroids can give some people (I went through loads of packets last time!).

Karen x

Thanks Karen but it’s Methylprednisolone @ 500mg so I’ll just pop em in me gob.

Trying not to think too much about what if they don’t work tbh as I don’t seem to have noticeable relapses or remissions but I’ll cross that bridge…

Mags :slight_smile: xx. .

Hi Mags, I know it’s not good to get a dx but at least you know what your dealing with. I am glad the neuro was nice, good luck with the steroids and hope you can get the DMD’s sorted soon. I have been taking Avonex for the last two years. Sending hugs. Karen x

Thanks Karen, it’s good to finally get an answer after so long. Hugs back! :slight_smile: xx

Mornimg Mags x Sorry in one way but glad you now have an answer xxxxjenxxxx

Hi Mags, I’m so glad you’ve got a diagnosis at long last! Not glad you’ve got MS of course, but at least now you now what you’re dealing with, and can get some relevant treatment. What a long and arduous journey you’ve had. Take care and be kind to yourself whilst the news sinks in xxx

Hey Auntiemoggs.

I’m so pleased you had a good neuro and hyave finally got the answers you want and deserve. Sorry for your MS diagnosis BUT at least now you can look forward with a clear focus and can get the help you need.

With you and Chelle both having a good consultation there’s hope for us limbolanders yet :slight_smile:



Hi Auntiemogs - mixed message: sorry to hear about your diagnosis but also pleased you know where you stand and are out of limboland.

I’m shocked you had your MRI in April and you weren’t told the result until you had to take things into your own hands and book a private appointment - they would’ve known since then and you could’ve been diagnosed all along. Pah!

Hope you’re coping ok getting your head around months of fears becoming a reality.

Hugs x

Oh Mags, Im sorry you too have been dx with MS, but after such a long wait I suppose its better out there than not knowing whats wrong! Fancy us being dx on the smae day, both having a positive experience with the neuros too

Like Reemz said theres hope for others in the same situation! At least he said you can start DMDs too, that positive news too!

Good luck!

Chelle x

Hi Mags.

Sorry you have a dx of MS finally, but must be better to be out of Limboland.

I really hope your new meds start to help and you feel better very soon.

Paula xx

Aw, thanks so much for the messages guys, have come over all warm and squishy inside. You lot are great.

Just went to the chemist - very glad I asked for a quote for the private prescription. Over 90 squids for 5 days steroids & some Gabapentin! That’ll be me asking the GP for a new script on Saturday then.

Hopefully I’ll be back to swinging from the chandeliers before you know it (will let you know what ward I’m on when I fall off)!

Love n hugs,

Mags xx