Diagnosed finally

Well what a surprise…Went to see a new neurologist on Monday as I wasn’t happy with the way my situation was being dealt with at the last hospital.

Almost immediately I felt this new guy was on the case…took a really full history which certainly was not the case with the first neurologist. He said that he would be reviewing my MRI images during this week with his colleagues at Salford Royal and he would contact me later in the week.

Had a call from him this morning and he has diagnosed RRMS. I will still have to have a LP next week but it’s such a weight off my shoulders to have a diagnosis. I am very thankful that I seem to be suffering from fairly ‘mild’ symptoms and hopefully the course of steroids he has said i’ll get will sort me out and i’ll be able to get back to work.

Diagnosed and now ready to meet it head on!

Take care all


Wow! Fancy having a neuro actually telephone you!

Good for you for going elsewhere and finding someone who has listened and has come up with the goods.


Wow! Fancy having a neuro actually telephone you!

Good for you for going elsewhere and finding someone who has listened and has come up with the goods.


Hmmm,sounds a bit fishy Juls! Why is he giving you steroids for “mild symptoms”? Just watch as steroids are no good for your insides. They made me really sick too so tread carefully with them. T

I think they’re mild because compared to a lot of folk on this lovely forum I don’t seem to be having too tough a time of it. (hoping it stays that way too lol)

Hi Juls,

Was the dx a shock to you or did you think ms was a strong possibility. Iv read on here that when people recieve a dx they often feel a relief after month and sometimes years of unexplained symptoms.

Iv een seeing a neuro and hes agreed to send me for a second opinion, iv not agreed to this as yet as i want to find a neuro who will investigate fully. Can i ask you if the neuro at Salford was an ms specialist? even if he was not he took your symptoms seriously and kept to his word about what he intended to do.

Thanks Christine

Hi Christine

No the diagnosis wasn’t a shock at all. I was told about 35 years ago that I probably had MS but the tests back then didn’t prove or disprove it. I have had symptoms at odd occasions over the years but i’ve always put them down to other things…a virus, hormones etc etc etc. However it was this latest set of symptoms which started about a year ago that eventually had me going to the doc. I am really relieved now to know what it is - I would obviously rather not have it at all, but the limbo bit is just awful. At least you can try and meet things head on if you know what you’re dealing with.

I’m not sure if the neurologist is an MS specialist i’m afraid, I just know that now i’m out of limbo!

I do hope you get your diagnosis sooner rather than later.

best wishes
