Nerve conduction test

Hi just looking for abit of advice I was diagnosed with cfs / me a few years ago and an underactive Thyroid Gland . I have had increasing symptoms and symptoms which are changing and lasting longer and taking me longer to recover from . I have had a nerve conduction test with the needles and the results came back normal .My question is if I had ms would these tests of come back normal or not ?

Thanks Becky

Hi Becky,

not sure if this helps but i had the exact same test just after a major relapse (i didn’t know it was MS at the time).The results came back as abnormal but i was suffering from extreme numbness of my hands and feet which was worse at night.They said they thought it was due to carpal tunnel,almost completely gone now.I think it was to do with the relapse which i now know is an enhancing lesion in my spine.

Have you had any other tests such as MRI ?


I had ‘evoked potential’ tests (without needles), so I’m not sure if they’re comparable. My results were fine but I still diagnosed with MS. I think it depends on where the brain/nerve damage is…

Mags x

I had the same test prior to dx but was told by the visiting Italian doctor (may just have been a very new specific test she was doing rather than the whole thing,this was prob '95/96) that she didn’t find anything wrong ‘but it may be too early’… I think she did know there was something wrong (i.e. that I wasn’t just a hypochondriac!) which I had been made to feel for 3 years or so at that of the nicest docs I’ve ever met, but she forgot to remind me about the ink dots on my legs before I left…it did seem to be a very new test at the time…do you still have to look at a screen and make the line go flat/peak (can’t remember now which it was) I know it wore me out!

Alison x

The EMG test is when they put needles in your muscle and electrodes.It feels so weird when your thumb starts tapping but not painful :slight_smile:

My legs looked like a dot to dot puzzle,do they still mark where they are going to stick the needles?

lol,the bloke did some measurements but i can’t remember him marking me up with pen perhaps because at that time i had a needle phobia and refused to look.They never offered to test my legs which i thought was strange as i had numbness in both feet too.
Did your leg start tapping too?

Hi Clara, I can’t recall tapping but had to use muscles to make the line on the screen behave differently, the doc was doing some kind of research as I recall so may have been trying some different methods…was a long time ago now! as you say doesn’t hurt, it was a bit more interesting than an MRI!

Hi sorry I have just seen this message so sorry for no response .

I had an Mri over 2 years ago it came back clear plus the nerve tests were clear .I have been seen by a physio who was concerned by my reflexes but as the MRI was clear that was left there .

.I have continued to experience symptoms the weakness in my left side ,my left arm and dropping things . I have been hospitalised with a severe Kidney infection and suffered many UTI infections over the last 2 years .

I have recently had an infection in my ears affecting my balance ,headache ,eye ache ,blurred vision and chronic neck ache all of this has gone on for weeks and I have started to take citalapram as all these symptoms caused me to feel anxious over the course of a week it came ut of know where .

I have been refered back to neurology but I am thinking this is cfs /me with maybe a functional disorder but something is niggling at me .

My eye test was fine at the opticians ,my pupil was slow to respond the nurse said

Any advice welcome thankyou Becky