emg & nerve conductivity - confused


Ive heard a few people say that a negative result on a nerve conductivity test can point to MS, but im confused about what this means. Does it mean that if you are having nerve related symptoms but the test shows no peripheral damage that is a possible sign of MS? Also when you have an EMG and the needles are inserted, should the machine make lots of noise or be quiet. I had both tests done but wasnt given proper results as the hospital lost them and when they found them it was kind of glossed over as id had the MRI scan by then.

Thanks Em xx

Hi - I’ve just had both of those done. I haven’t got the results yet and I don’t really know much about them to be honest. I didn’t really feel most of the needles but one on my right lower leg hurt like b*ggery!! The readings looked really varied - from 7 to 27 but I’ve no idea what that means. The machine made lots of crackling noise I think. Have you had your MRI results? Are you diagnosed? (sorry I haven’t kept up!)



My Brain MRI came back clear, so at the moment i am in limbo. The neurologist said that without something showing on a scan I wont get a diagnosis. My GP said that in my notes it states, chronic pain syndrome, which i believe covers all the symptoms but no lesions.

Em xx

Such a tricky stage - I’m in limbo too, fitting no box whatsoever! I recently had another MRI (a year since the last) and the nerve conductivity and EMG. Just waiting for an appointment for these results. I have no idea what’s going on just that I have very MS-like symptoms. Would certainly be good to have an answer wouldn’t it! Are you convinced by the chronic pain syndrome diagnosis? Here’s a link to a link to a good article in case you haven’t seen it:




You sound as though you are in the same boat as me. Im not convinced about the CPS diagnosis, i think it is used when no other diagnosis can be made, eg clear test results. Ive spoken to lots of people who have been in limbo for years and a fair few have been told its either CPS or stress related. Im coming to terms with the fact that i may be in this position for some time, it does still irk me though that without a firm diagnosis you dont seem to be taken seriously. Some of my friends still make comments such as ‘is your arm still bad, its a long time for a pulled muscle’ or compare taking paracetamol for their ailments to being drugged daily with Tramadol & Amytriptyline.

Em xx

Hi Em

I think thats what I am going to be diagnosed with - lots of tests and all coming back fine! But still in dreadful pain and oh so tired, my right leg still turns outwards and looks like its been twisted out from my knee, numbness in finger tips and chin is still there, and I still have Optic Neuritis in my right eye! So many symptoms and no answers. Just getting so frustrated now to be honest.

Like you, I am on Tramadol - 1000mg per day, Carbamazapine 800mg per day, 50mg Amitriptyline, and 10mg Propranalol (to stop the jerking arm).

I see neurologist next Tuesday again, and I hope so much that something - anything - has shown up in the latest round of tests I have had!

The way I see it is that I will deal with whatever it is; just as long as I know what I am dealing with!

I have lost so much confidence now that I dont go out without someone with me - I walk funny and am prone to falling over too, and slurring my words.

Someone somewhere has got to know what the hell is wrong with me! I hope you get some answers soon Em!

Paula xx

Hi Paula,

Fingers crossed that you get some results when you see your neuro. There seems to be so much conflicting information about MS and also seems to depend on which hospital you go to and which neuro you see. Ive only just found out that some MS shows lesions in the spine only and that my scan didnt even reach the spine!! I was also told by my neuro that it is possible to have MS without any lesions showing on a scan, they are there but cant be picked up. There are different strength MRI machines and also the issue of using contrast ( which I didnt have either). Its only since ive joined this forum and started delving deeper that all this has come to light.

I send my thoughts and good wishes to everyone that is still on the road to a diagnosis and hope we all reach the conclusion soon.

Em xxx

Hi Em

Ive had scans on my brain and spine and apparently all are clear - which is obviously good, but does nothing to explain my symptoms.

The neurologist I am with is an MS specialist and she was quite convinced lesions would be found… think Im puzzling her! Shes very thorough though and the only thing I havent had is a lumbar puncture, which is what I am going to ask for now… gulp!

I have scoured the internet hoping to find a possible answer, but everything just points to MS, so Im stumped.

I wish everyone a speedy diagnosis xx