Hi there all,
I’ve been posting in here on and off for a bit and received great support and advice. I haven’t posted for a bit and thought I’d just let you know where I’m at now.
I do have trigemula neuralgia cause by a blood vessel as well as previously confirmed pheripheral nerve hyper excitability. My neurologist does not think I have a neurological disease explaining my other symptoms but does diagnose Functional & Dissociative Neurlogical syndrome. Basically he can’t explain the ‘real’ symptoms I’m getting but they are a functional neurological issue.
In the meantime, the neurologist is referring me to Rheumetologist to investigate lupus. Due to weird rashes I’m now experiencing on top of everything else. Whilst my GP has referred me to get a tilt table test for POTS.
So I have moved on a little things a little since I last posted.
Id like to say thank you to the amazing people on here. I will refrain from posting as there is no suggestion that this is MS now. But just wanted to update you all and say thanks. It is a long journey whatever your symptoms are. My only advice is ‘know your own body’ and keep pushing as long as you feel the need. At the same time look after yourself when you can. The good days do appear amidst the bad