My MS has turned me into a person i dont recognise

Hi, silly question i have had MS since 2007, now my wife is angry at me because i get angry at my MS. She tells me to be at peace with it. Now i will never do that but it is putting a huge strain on my marriage. Can anyone recommend a therapist that deals with folk with MS and with comming to terms with it? Or is the MS nurse a good place to start?

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For what it’s worth, I think your idea of talking to your MS nurse is a good one. Talk openly and honestly and I feel sure something positive will come from it.:blush:


Thanks heres hoping

Morning Paul, I think everyone on here will in some way identify with what you’re saying. I too was DX’d with MS in 2007, then I was told in 2010 that it was SPMS, so it felt like I was being DX’d all over again. Anyway I can go for weeks, month’s feeling ok with things and then BANG from nowhere I get angry, emotional with it and what its done/ doing to not only my life, but my hubby’s, for me I think this is perfectly understandable, because for me things are always changing with the MS, so I never really get chance to get used to it before something else is added to my long list of symptoms. I think its a good idea to talk to someone, I did eventually when I attended our local hospice, they used to do drop in day’s for folk with neuro conditions, I spoke to a therapist, who reassured me that what I was feeling was normal, good luck to you and I really hope it helps.


Thanks now i just have find out how to get in touch with them, been on the internet etc but i am getting no where.

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I have a phone number for my MS nurse but I can also find it by looking up the neurology service. Keep searching!

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I also have a number for my MS nurse, I thought this would be standard practice, but maybe not. Look online for your neuro services, or your local hospital, that’s where mine is based and ask to be but through to neuro dept.

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Hello Paul.
Like me, you’ve had MS quite a while. And of course, it takes some dealing with.

Your wife is right…you need to find peace within yourself, or it will destroy you.

For 23 years, I’ve battled on and managed to keep bright, bubbly and positive.

2 years ago, however, I hit a brick wall mentally. I just couldnt see a way forward…no more smiles, no energy and…?

What did I do? I turned to my cousin who had a terribly hard life…he fought being badly burned as a baby, survived cancer, being the victim of a hit and run, being stabbed, and feeling utterly defeated.

My cousin is now an evangelist, who travels the world telling his story. When I turned to him, he led me to Jesus.

With hand on heart, I can promise you…Jesus is my best friend, my savior, my everything.

Will you think about what I’ve said?

Bless you,

I too am so angry with my MS (diagnosed 2007), I’m looking in here because I want to tell someone/anyone how angry I am! It’s particularly bad today because I couldn’t get dressed this morning. Instead of a therapist I’d just agree to disagree! Find somewhere to shout or scream, get a punch bag and knock the sh*t out of it OR just come on here. MS nurse may help. My anger is the only thing that keeps me up right. Best wishes to you and your wife:) M


I also get angry with my MS and emotional some days, angry because it stops me in my tracks if I push it, and emotional for getting angry. Typical catch 22.

I don’t think it would help me talking to someone about it, but we are all different, if it helps you definitely go for it.

Pam x


I can see what you are saying as i am a catholic and i go to mass every Sunday and whether you believe in god or not it gives me faith that there is something bigger than us. Now the pragmatic part of me kicks in, at times my prayers dont seem answered. So i try to have faith and do all i can…and hope

That makes sense to me, not training up to give someone a kicking but i do need a release.

I spoke with my MS nurse who explained just how much valuable energy being angry uses. She got me on an energy management course where I learned to say “NO” , choose a conscious rather than automatic response , to compartmentalise and when I do consciously choose to be angry, to limit how long for.
I found the benefit (more energy for the good stuff) to be compelling enough to make some changes.
My wife is happier with me too. all round a bit of a win.#
Wishing you both all the best

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Before I had MS I used to get angry with some “people” at work. At that time I used to go and play squash, not very well, but the act of smashing a ball into the wall at ballistic speeds whilst imagining I was walloping my “colleagues” was very theraputic.


Lol, i xan see how that might work