MS Pre-Cooling Research Study, University of Brighton.

Dear All,

My name is Matthew Young, I am a Masters Student studying Applied Exercise Physiology at the University of Brighton based at the Welkin Site in Eastbourne. I am posting here as I am looking to recruit participants for an exciting research study I am running as part of my degree. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of practical cooling garments (Cooling Vests and Cooling Shorts) applied prior to exercise among heat sensitive individuals with MS. The study has been approved by the University of Brighton Ethical Committee and the MS Society (More information regarding the study can be found by following the link

As part of the study individuals will be required to attend the Welkin Physiology Laboratories (Based In Eastbourne) a total of 4 times. Transport will be funded for each visit (25p per mile or the price of a second class rail ticket). Each visit will take approximately 90 minutes in duration. Time of Visits can be very flexible, can be arranged for 7 Days a week during the Day and Evenings. During Visit 1 participants will complete an exercise test to determine maximal aerobic capacity. The second, third and fourth visits will require the participant to cycle for 20 minutes in warm conditions typical of a British Summer’s day. One of these visits will involve 20 minutes of cooling their upper body using a commercially available cooling jacket before completing the 20 minute cycle. Another visit will involve 20 minutes of cooling their legs using shorts with pockets that contain commercially available cooling gel packs before the 20 minute cycle. The final visit will offer no cooling before the 20 minute cycle.

By taking part in this project participants will be provided with information on their current physical fitness and how their MS symptoms respond to a warmer environment and how this is effected by pre-cooling prior to exercise. All participants will receive a summary of the findings of this study once it is complete for their information.

If this is something that you would be interested in taking part in or would like more information on the project then please feel free to call (07875761402) or email ( so we can discuss further and I can give you more detailed information.

Thank you for your time,


Matthew Young

Hi Mattthew, Unfortunately I live too far away to be of help to you, I am in the NW but I do wish you success with our research Chis

Hey Matt

I live in Worthing so I am not too far from the Eastbourne campus. If you are interested please let me know.


Hi Chris and Andy,

Thanks for your posts.

Yes I think the NW is probably a bit far from Eastbourne to take part Chris! Thanks for your support. If you know of anybody a bit nearer that might be interested then please make them aware of the study and feel free to pass on my details.

Yes Andy that would be great if you would like to take part. I think you have sent me an email too, so will reply to you on that and send you some more details.
