Hi Hillybilly (love this name, it conjures up all sorts of pictures!)
I had asprin related stomach ulcers too. But, thank goodness you pushed your GP a little further. If you had continued to use it the results could be much more catastrophic if I can be this graphic. I suffered for years after being recommended to take the daily asprin. It wasn’t until a third episode of severe tummy pains that I finally had an endoscopy and my GP then said "I think it must be the asprin! ".
Anyway enough of my story. I’m just so relieved you had the courage to push your GP into further investigation. It does heighten the fact again that many unrelated symptoms can be put down as because of our MS.
Its funny to say it but I’d rather have stomach ulcers than MS! Well done you though. I wish I’d had the foresight too. It’s too easy to blame MS for symptoms and we do rely on our medics to find the right diagnosis. When they don’t it knocks our confidence in them. But, I suppose they must feel a bit “foolish” when they get it wrong. Well - they are human too!
Thanks for bringing this issue to the forum. And good luck with your ulcer treatment.