And hoorah for the wonderful NHS. I too have a lovely MS nurse, and a lovely physio, and a lovely rehab specialist, and a new neurologist who has the potential to be lovely too.
I am very lucky. But actually, I think the NHS in general is pretty good. (There are obviously areas where the NHS service is cr@p, I’m very sorry for those people who do in fact have to suffer a rubbish NHS service.)
I have a superb team at the RVI Newcastle, i only spend maybe ten or fifteen minutes at a time with the nurses as they now know that im at ease with my MS. They ask all the questions make sure im fine but know now all they will get from me is a “yep im good” Still a wonderful couple of girls and i cant thank them enough and the wonderful NHS, we are such a lucky country.
We here in Telford have been without an MS nurse for the last 2 years. The last two left and the post remained unfilled. However in January I have appt to see the new one!! Yay!!
There used to be 4 at the RVI. 2 left due to massive workloads according to one of the girls i see and they havent been replaced due to funding. I have nothing but massive respect for them. Ive no idea how many MS cases there are in the Northwest but the nurses are spread very thinly.
I think nurses do a difficult job and it’s good to hear them getting some love!
However, I haven’t had much to do with MS nurses in the past but I’m experiencing quite a bad relapse (days after starting a -new job!!). Am I correct in thinking that I should report relapses to my MS nurse?
If so, I wonder if any has the number for the MS nurses at the Walsgrave hospital? I’m under Dr Pye.
My nurses gave me a 24hrs MS nurse careline card , told me any problems give the number a ring and help would be given over the phone if needed.
Maybe see your GP as they can normally cut through any red tape fairly quickly and have the clout to go straight to the sauce alot quicker than you or i .