MS hug?


I know that this has been up before, but this has just become a potential revelation after over 30 years of pain.

Although I believe that I may have had my first exacerbation at the age of 11, I wasn’t dx until I was 26. Meanwhile, at the age of 18, about 6 months after another exacerbation, I began getting a pain in the ribs, at the back, at about bra strap level. The pain often works around to the front too and can take my breath away.

This has been going onever since then and is now there 24/7. I have had cortisol injections in my back by my spine, which didn’t work. I cannot sit up straight and when I stand up, I have to keep moving gently to try and reduce the pain in my back. The only real relief I get is by lying down. Over the counter painkillers don’t touch it, swimming makes it worse. Surfing the net for some answers as it seems to be getting worse (I am now taking my bra off in the hope of some relief, which creates other issues, but I won’t go into that!!) and this came up…which would explain why nothing tried in the past has ever worked as it has never been linked to MS.

I’ve always put it down to being a back problem, but now am wondering if this could be the MS Hug. I’m not seeing my Neuro until April, but am going to the local GP’s physio next week.

I would be very grateful for any ideas or thoughts.


you need a muscle relaxant such as baclofen or diazepam.

it is the inter costal muscles between the ribs going into spasm.

truly horrendous pain like your ribs are being broken from inside!

hope it goes away soon

carole x

Hiya Bear,

Here are a few articles about the MS Hug/Girdle. The last one is from the MS T2rust with a few tips how to handle it.÷&scs=1&query=ms+hug&Find=Search&mode=ALL&search=all

Good luck


It could be the MS hug but it’s so easy to put everything down to MS isn’t it?! I had the same problem for years until I was eventually diagnosed as having gallstones. One gallbladder removal later and I was cured of that horrible affliction! Of course it may not be gallstones but maybe worth pushing for an ultrasound to be sure. X

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Thanks Carole, I’ll mention it with the physio next week.


Thank you George,

I shall sit with a cuppa and have a good look though these :slight_smile:


Thank you Lisa,

I will ask my GP when I see her, which will probably be next week as I think I need yet mmore abs for UTI…which could also explain gall bladder problems.

I can’t say that anyone has ever taken it very seriously before (as in healthcare practitioners, apart from the doctor at the pain clinic in York) but then I think I have been just trying to get on with it and have never said much about it!! That however, is becoming increasingly difficult. :frowning:

Huge thanks for your reply :slight_smile:
