Hi there,
I’ve had MS (relapsing/remitting) for 11 years now, and I’ve been very lucky and managed to lead a relatively normal life (the copaxone has helped). However, in Jan 2013 I gave birth to twins and life really hasn’t been the same! (no surprises there) Needless to say, all my activities/hobbies prior to their birth have dwindled to nothing whilst I and my husband cope with the wonderful but very demanding two-some.
I’ve realised that I managed my MS fairly well by keeping active and fit, being involved with rowing, triathlon and swimming. However, that’s been reduced and I’m finding that I’m now having to look at treatments to manage my symptoms rather than self-manage by way of exercise, healthy eating, etc. I know a lot of it’s down to time management and I need to draw a line in the sand and take back some time so I can better cope with the MS and in turn, my family. That’s easier said than done. Are there any mums and dads out their (would be particularly interested in mums/dads of multiples) with MS who can give me some tips!
(I returned to work in November last year, which seems to have added to the juggling act of family, working and MS!)
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi vmil, I dont have any tips but just wanted to say to be doing all that and deal with ms is no small thing, well done my hats off to you ! I have 4 children, 2 of which are 3 and 20 months and I couldn’t take care of them without help anymore so my husband has taken over the role of main carer so as I said to be coping the way you have is amazing ! I would def agree with you about time management hun and Hopefully someone can give you some tips. Krissy xx
Hi Krissy,
4 of them!! Two is enough of a handful. I do get fustrated that I’m generally wobbling abit by the end of the day with fatigue and there’s nothing I can do to re-charge. I’m hoping in a year or so, the feeding and bed time will (fingers crossed be a little easier) and either myself or my husband can do it without each other from time to time allowing the other one some down time.
By the time the twins are in bed, the house is sort of straightened up, the pets are bedded down and yet another load of washing has been put on/hung up - he has to cook. I’m too exhausted - yet alone finding time to exercise!
hey ho. I hope you and yours are all well.
vmil x
I don’t have twins but do have two children and I work part time. I think I’m quite good at time management, bu I don’t suffer from fatigue so I can keep going all day. As for time management, I wash everyday regardless of how much or little, I tumble dry so does n’t need ironing, then it gets put away. If more stuff has gathered by mud afternoon I’ll do the same again. Not environmentally friendly but great from a time management perspective. I make a list of what we are going to eat for a week or even a few weeks at a time so I don’t waste time thinking about that days meals. Do you do Internet shopping? That helps me a lot. Often, when I c ook I cook extra freeze the extra, so I cook mince for tea and some for the freezer so I have a nearly ready meal in the freezer. Nothing wrong with a take away or something every so often. Is this the kind of thing you mean, sorry I’ve gone on a bit. Cheryl:-)
Hello, I do have twin boys, they are 17 now… I was diagnosed 10 years ago and just recently was told that I have progressed to secondary progressive. I can tell you that if it wasn’t for my wife, I don’t know what I would do. They are your typical boys, very active and very supportive of me, we told them as much as a seven year old could understand at the time and they seem to have adjusted very well. I am still mobile just with a stick, still work full time, got to pay for college somehow… Lol. As far as tips go, just share responsibilities as much as you can, and ASK for help, do not be stubborn, not saying women are… Anyway, good luck Are they girls, boys or both?