Hi everyone! Glad to be here, I have read some posts and you all seem like a lovely bunch.
I am 33, I live in Manchester and I was diagnosed with RRMS last year. I am on Ocreluzimab (as of March this year) as I have had another relapse since last year despite being on Copaxone. Thankfully, though, my symptoms were very mild and it seems like they caught it early as the lumbar puncture was negative. I am very lucky that I don’t really have any lasting noticeable damage, although more recently I have started really suffering badly with bowel and bladder issues. I also have narcolepsy so fatigue is a really difficult one to work out.
I am very much a pragmatist, especially when it comes to things that make me uncomfortable, which I think in some ways has actually helped in this situation. There’s so many unknowns that it would be awfully silly for me to get bogged down with what may or may not happen in the future. Easier said than done though eh!
On that note…I would love to have another child but I am worried that it is a bit selfish if there is a possibility that I could not provide the physical or emotional care that it needed. Equally I would feel awful if my partner was left to care not only for the baby that he was convinced to have, but for me as well. I was diagnosed 6 months post partum after my first child so there is also the added stress that pregnancy might actually trigger another relapse.
Does anybody have any stories of parenting smalls while suffering with MS?
Thanks in advance