Hi all,
Not really sure what the purpose of my post is but I’ve had my mri report through today and now have to wait to see my neurologist again. I have attached a copy of the report just to see if this was similar to anyone else’s? I’ve compared it to my one from ten years ago and they’re now saying there’s multiple white matter etc. To be honest I’ve got to the point where I’d rather a diagnosis to understand my body than being stuck here. Curious to know if this was similar to anyone else’s mri? Thanks in advance.
The MRIs are so difficult to understand. i am see no words saying demylination in yours?
I have attached mine too. I have face numbness
@TeddyBear1 it says down the bottom about demyelinating process but who knows
I have numbness in my left arm and hand along with various other symptoms. Have you got an appointment with your neuro? I’d rather have not had the report I think!
sorry yes i see that now.
i am waiting for hospital appointment, thought this letter was it but it reads like my doctor needs to ask for one.
It’s a frustrating wait isn’t it!? I’d rather the diagnosis now than wondering what is going on with me.
I know 100 % what you mean. I was told I have trigeminal nerve damage, wanted to put me on strong tablets but I have no pain but i have just finished a course of steroids. I do feel much better apart from pulling my back on saturday.
I hope you get some answers soon and I’m glad you’re feeling a little better.
any idea how long for an appointment? I am in the UK and went on the NHS wait list. In my area its 3 months
I’ve paid for a private neurologist who I saw within a few days of booking. This was before my report had come back though so I’m just waiting to hear from him once he’s seen the images of this most recent scan. Then I will book in with him again to see where we go from here.
if you are in the UK how do you book a private neurologist?
I’m in the uk too and just found one online. I went to spire healthcare in Solihull but if you Google private neurologist near me, lots come up 
Sorry to hear your in limbo land , its a very worrying place to be (i was a resident for many years)
I can not really comment on your mri as im not a medical professional but i would assume that the next step would be a lumbar puncture to test for o bands and blood tests to rule out ms mimics.
Maybe a spinal mri would be helpful too.
Hopefully you are not waiting too long for further investigations
Best wishes
Thank you. I had a lumbar puncture ten years ago which is when they said it was unlikely to be MS at that time. Are they likely to want to do another one? I’m not really sure how all that works x