Hi all,
I paid for a copy of my results and a disc and received this morning. Letter to Neuro says:
Impression: brain and spinal cord parenchyma shows no significant abnormility. Minor degenerative changes are seen involving the cervical spine.
From the disc, I can see 3 white spots in the centre and 1 small white dash to the back of the brain, but I am assuming this is normal if they do not write anything on the report? Do you agree?
If you spotted them easily and the radiologist didn’t comment on them then they are unlikely to be abnormalities.
Blood vessels are white on some MRI scans and it may be these that you are seeing. There are also a few places where white spots are normal.
Not sure I like the wording “no significant abnormality” though - I think I’d want that explained if I were you.
I can have a look for you if you want. I’m not a radiologist, but I can tell you if these white spots are anything you should query.
Karen x
I would be really grateful if you could have a look for me, I have the disc but I am not sure how to attach and send. would you know Karen please