MRI report translation please!

Hi everyone, Mm, I don’t seem to be able to make paragraphs for some reason! I was wondering if someone can help dicipher my MRI report! I have read Karens’ sticky, but I still have no idea! The bits I’m wondering about are as follows- ‘There is a small focus of altered signal within subcortical white matter of the right frontal lobe but this has rather non specific appearance. The FLAIR images suggest a small area of altered signal on the left within the pons although this is difficult to recognize on the other sequences. This is difficult to characterise but would be abnormal in a patient of this age.’ It goes on to suggest a cervical spine MRI or lumbar puncture should be considered to ‘throw the net a little wider.’ I have been given an appointment for cervical MRI. After requesting a copy of my report, my neuro called me to ask if I had any specific worries, and to write down any symptoms I have between now and my follow up appointment. She had initially discharged me, so I’m very grateful for that! Can anyone translate this report for me!? many thanks! Kayxxx