Moving to Australia

hi there, I wonder If someone could help me please? I am a permanent resident of Australia currently living back in my home county of the UK. I am planning of returning to Australia next year with my partner (who is a non resident), but will be moving on a working traveling visa. We hopefully we will be a to apply for a defacto visa together once settled back in aus. My partner has MS and is currently using the treatment Copaxone once a day. She is very well and continues to hold down stable employment as a primary school teacher. I have been reading many stories that the Australian government refuses visas of people with MS quite regularly. So really I am just looking for advice for us and what would be the best plan to take I.e visas private healthcare and medication. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

contact an immigration lawyer as Australia is very tough to get into when a person has a medical condition like MS, not impossible but very very difficult.