Moving from Scotland to England

I’m thinking of moving from Edinburgh to Sheffield. I’ve needed carers at home in the past. In Scotland this is free. In England it is means tested. I’m looking for a way to figure out how much I’d end up paying given my income. All I can find is the savings cap and the fact that they look at your income too. Can anyone point me to a good resource? Or is this information not made available?

Hi Lindsay,

I’m afraid I’m not replying to you to help with your query because I do not know much about the topic, but I am writing to you to ask you for advice if at all possible.

My brother is in his early 40’s and lives in Perth, Scotland.

He has PPMS, his speech and balance have worsen significantly lately and if he keeps on deteriorating at this pace, he will soon require full time care.

He does not have a source of income so he is living on benefits.

You mentioned in your post that you are getting care at home for free and that is why I am contacting you.

Would you be so kind as to tell me how I could help my brother to get help such as a nursing home or a carer, if / when he gets worse?

Thank you so much,

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