Hi i was just wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation to me and knows the process. Ive recently been diagnosed with MS and in the stages of waiting for treatment to be approved. I am , however, moving across the country and dont know how I go about getting reffered to somewhere new and if I change doctors if this will effect how long it takes for treatment approval. If anyone has any advice I’d really appreciate it:)
Hi Francesca
One of the genuine advantages with our glorious NHS is the free treatment for all. Just get registered with a new GP as soon as you get a new permanent address, then get the GP to refer you to the local clinical NHS Trust that will be your contact for MS Consultant & MS Team.
Might be worth interviewing local GP Practices as some have no real experience of MS and a few do. Best to choose a practice with a GP who knows how to speak the language of MS. Fortunately, neither the GP’s nor the clinical trusts can turn you away - it’s not like the USA with a privatised healthcare system where there could be reluctance to take on a patient with a pre-existent condition.