mobility scooters

Do look at the TGA Minimo - if you want a small scooter that folds down easily to transport. lt folds down with one movement and weighs 27kg. Also it has 6wheels - so sturdy and comfortable.

These small scooters are great if you only want something to transport in the car for shopping/sightseeing trips/ airport use but for using from home and going further afield a bigger more substanial scooter would be better.

Google the TGA Minimo - l expect there will be lots of reviews.

l use a Tramper - which is a beast of a machine - takes me over muddy fields and woods. And at 8mph. l come home with it covered in mud [and the dogs are] not the sort of machine to take round shops. lt does have its own trailer so l can tow it with my car.

Thank you for that info spacejacket…will take a look

I’ve got a picture of you now in my head, going like a wild woman across muddy fields with barking dogs running behind

The local gamekeeper said ‘you are like-castor oil - you get everywhere’. l can get up and down steep banks - bump down high kerbs [at an angle - which l know you shouldn’t] through the ford when drivers won’t go through. l have this little voice in my head that tells me ‘Go for it’! My daughter says it is extreme sports.

l have been called ‘that mad woman with her rottweilers’ - l prefer your discription ‘Wild Woman’. l might put that on my hi-vis that covers the back of the seat. l did have ‘Hows my driving’ www.whogivesa** That was courtesy of my daughter but she did not expect me to keep it on - caused lots of toots from drivers.

l went to a farmers market - recently - on my lickle scooter. And when l saw my daughter and her pals l went up to them and said

‘Tonight Matthew - l am Madge from Benidorm’

Hello Patrick

Thank you for your reply. I will take a look at the websites.

I don’t plan to sit on it for long periods of time. I only live in a small town but there are areas I like to visit…I’m ok walking so far, then my energy levels just drop quickly. Its stopping me going anywhere local without the car.


Spacejacket, you tell a funny story…you make me laugh

Hello Blossom,

Do tell me if you do decide to buy a Travelscoot and give me your opinion. I like to know what other people think of it. To me its unique and it has saved my sanity. Contact me via my website



I bought my new Travelscoot in October 2013 - so new version with reverse and better brakes. Cannot describe how much I love it. I find it very stable and have even managed to drive it quite happily over bumpy/ cobbledy/rough but firm forest paths. On slopes it is better than I imagined. I currently live in Belgium and believe me a dropped kerb here is nowhere near as dropped as ones I find in the UK. My Travelscoot still manages. Uneven pavements no problem. Not long back from a flight to UK. Flybe were great. Ring in advance and explain how compact/light it is and print off info on the battery to take with you. Check in staff/security do not always know the rules and if you have the relevant info with you it is a breeze. Light enough for me to lift into the car. I drive a Renault Grand Scenic and I can even lift it straight into the boot without folding. Contact with seller is excellent. Very helpful and friendly. He can pass on details of other owners in the UK (or elsewhere) for you to contact and ask questions or even try. The Travelscoot is everything I hoped it would be and much cooler. I thought other owners were exaggerating when they mentioned getting stopped and asked questions about it. Nope happens to me too. LOVE IT!

very interested in the travelscooter but will not buy until I have see one. anyone know of one in the cornwall devon somerset dorset area? I would appreciate making contact.

I have secondary progressive ms.

thanks for your help.


Contact the people at Travelscoot and ask if they can put you in touch with a customer near you.

A friend of ours bought one last week and is moving to Ashburton this week. However, he’s only had it a few days and won’t read the instruction book. He came over to us at the weekend swearing the brakes were utterly useless and it was life-threatening taking the buggy on a bus, and that he didn’t like the basket on the front handlebars - but he hadn’t read how the parking brake works and had put the basket in the wrong place, so he may not be the best product demonstrator!

If the people in Germany can’t help I can give you Chris’s number, but the contact comes with a bucketful of caveats!

If you do buy one, it is well worth getting the seat post with suspension springs as you won’t believe how un-smooth pavements are. If you wear false teeth don’t do an emergency stop with your mouth open as the teeth would continue clacking down the road in front of you.

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thank you so much for your advice, and I did smile! there are just so many entries that cannot fault the travelscoot one starts to wonder whether they are all genuine.

I will contact travelscoot


Hi folks looking into getting myself a boot scooter at the moment but I thinkit will have to be a bit more rugged than the travel scoot where I live there are more hills Han flat the one that’s favorite is less money but a lot more money quicker to take to bits and put together so wee will see what happens on Saturday G

Dear Amy

took the plunge and bought the travelscoot delux. cost was under £2000 but that included an extra battery (air travel)

I am a dreadful shopper so embarrassed to say that I researched it all from my office and bought without even sitting on, or even looking at, the competition.

Only done a few miles in country lanes so too early to review. still showing full battery lights at the moment though, which is good. For supposedly the smallest and lightest scooter on the market it seems incredibly well designed and made. More comfortable than I was expecting.(I did buy the suspension seat pole) Stability seems ok and if travelling on a slope the ability to so easily lower the seat and consequently the centre of gravity, makes it perfect.

OK it will not be right for travelling off road or muddy conditions but it is not designed for that. At 18/19 kilos including battery it is an incredible piece of equipment.

And then ‘vanity’ must be mentioned! I thought that I was passed caring about vanity but oh no I can’t have been: I am so chuffed that I have chosen something that could almost be described as a ‘designer item’!

The German company were more than helpful; in fact, before purchasing, I dropped off a couple of e-mails on a Saturday night and had an almost instant reply.

I have no regrets at all. I am so pleased that I found this blog and particularly grateful for your response to my queries.

Of course if anyone should be in the south west of England and want to see one [personal details removed, please use PM facility]

with thanks


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