Hi everyone,
I hope you’re all as well as can be.
I’ve now realised that it’s time for a mobility scooter when abroad to allow myself and family to be less limited when away.
I’m going to America to meet a new grandchild in November and want to take one on the plane.
Could I ask for recommendations or warnings from anyone who’s gone down this route. I’m aware of restrictions re battery type and size.
Thank you in advance
Hi there. I’ve only dared take my chair abroad but one thing I have noticed is the ability to rent. Have you considered that rather than bothering with all the palava of taking one?
I’ve now bought a scooter through EBay. A Pride GoGo Elite Traveller Plus for less than half the retail price.
I’ve looked at the retailers and generally they’re as honest as Double glazing salesmen.
They specialise in extracting as much money as possible with scant regard to your needs.
Please please anyone reading this do your own research and buy used either through EBay or a Motability shop you’ll get a much faier deal.