Has anyone tried this and found it useful
Has anyone tried this and found it useful
Hi, can you expand on this, not sure what you mean?
Hi, I’ve heard about it but don’t know much about it myself, heard good things said tho, I believe it’s very helpful I’m sure if you search the site for it you’ll find links to comments
Sonia x
This has been a thread before and lots of people find it useful, especially for low mood I think. I went on a taster session and would have loved to do a whole course. Fitting it around work and family commitments was my problem. Have bought a good book with CD and exercises to work through from Amazon. Now it’s just a case of finding the time… xx
I’m sorry, I am still trying to figure out what you all are talking about Greg
Hi, I use it and find it really helpful.
It’s basically teaching yourself to live in the ‘now’ and not be constantly worrying about the future or re-playing the past in your head. It’s helpful with MS and gets easier the more you do it.
Here’s a good explanation… but there’s loads of other links if you google ‘mindfulness’ and there’s dvd’s, cd’s and Youtube stuff as well. But you don’t have to spend anything… there’s lots of site’s like the one below that explain it:
Pat x
Ta Pat, I knew I’d heard someone saying it was very useful to them x
theres a few replies on this thread…
I have been on two eight week courses and I found it very helpful, especially last year after I was diagnosed. I was extremely stressed. It’s a form of meditation. Ask your GP to refer you onto a course. I have found it very hard to keep up as you really need to do it every day. I am going to start doing it again tomorrow. Have a go. It’s good.
I regularly practise mindfulness meditation, since taking part in an MS Society-funded study a couple years ago. I find it really helpful for things like stress or pain management. getsomeheadspace.com is a good site to explore, and there’s a free course you can try called Take Ten, which is just ten 10 minute-long meditations, which you can do as many times as you like.
Gie it a go and see how you get on with it.
i did the course and kept up with practising at home but i have lapsed.
i still keep my mp3 with it on at the side of my bed.
its well worth a try.
the course i did was mindfulness meditation for pain relief
it was run by 2 ladies who had done the training at the buddhist centre.
carole x
I was told about Breathworks Mindfulness at Pain clinic, as they really had little else to offer me. We (hubby/main carer and I) were led to believe it would be on NHS. No so applied to M.S. Soc, they gave me a grant for it.
I find it really helpful, it helps me to cope with the pain. I am at the moment not taking any drugs just trying good old Phsycology and possitive thinking. Easier for me as I have always been a happy possitive person. I have a great support network around me. I am on Direct Payments so employ my carers, I always choose happy people it helps on a bad day.
I also believe in diversion therapy, if I start to feel like I am going down I do something to take my mind off of it. this can be whatever you like doing, for me it’s getting out and talking “at” people, going for a walk anything that distracts the brain. Only you can change how things are you have to take control of youself, no one else can really do it.
I am going to talk to Pain clinic and my neuroligist about this as with chronic neuropathic pain the drugs don’t usually work. Nerve pain is virtually impossible to treat, I have at last accepted this ( I am a slow learner Lol). I spent many an hour as a nurse just listening and talking to suffering and they said it helped.
Found this on YouTube… it talks you through a simple 10 minute mindfulness meditation and is very good.
It gives you a good idea of mindfulness is if you’re new to it.
Pat x
Is that how you get on a course… By referral from GP. I really want to goon a course! X