Lymphocytes ??????

Hi, I have been on Tecfidera since Febuary. Been having blood test every 3 months. My lymphocytes last blood test were at 1.0 Ms nurse sent a letter and it said all my blood test were normal, but Lymphocytes were satisfactory. Does anyone know the normal range ? Blood test again in 3 months. Thanks for any advice.

I’ve been on Tecfidera for a few years. As long as it’s above 0.5 you’re good to go. 1.0 is decent, you may see it drop some more but don’t worry, if you go as low as 0.4 they’ll take you off for a bit to let the count go back up, which it will.

I’ve found it to be great and have had to take a few breaks but that’s also been fine.

Hi, I’m in the UK and the normal lymphocyte range is 1.5 to 4. Generally, I’ve picked up that staff don’t seem to raise a concern unless it drops to 0.8 or below.

I was on 3 monthly bloods till they dropped to 0.6, then 4 weekly. Once they dipped to 0.4 I was advised to stop the tecfidera and continue with 4 weekly bloods. I originally started on it Sept last year. I hope to try it again when my levels are above 1. They are improving. Fully appreciate others have had different experiences, but this is mine.

Hope this helps.

Hello ncm

As far as I’m aware something like 0.9 to 3.0 would be ‘normal’. With regard to Tecfidera if your lymphocytes remain at 1.0 then you’re fine. If you’ve been on Tecfidera since March, then I suspect you’re fine. Normally, the expected response is that your lymphocytes dip a bit, then recover. It’s when they don’t recover that you know there’s a problem. So for you, after more than 6 months on 'Tec, at 1.0 your lymphocytes should be fine. The level where the neuros start to worry is when you’ve been on Tecfidera just a few months and lymphocytes get down to 0.5 or lower and then don’t recover.

(Mine reached 0.4 after about 4 months on Tecfidera and didn’t recover. So I stopped it. I don’t know whether your neurologist will support you trying again with the same drug, it might be that they’d prefer you to take a different DMD.)


Mine stayed above 1 for 6months, then steadily dropped over 6 months. All my blood paperwork states the normal range is 1.5 to 4. I’m a bit anally retentive, so I wanted copies of all my results!!

Ssue is far more experienced than I am on MS, but I hope my experience helps you.

Hi, I’ve been on Tec for 22 months, bloods every 3 months though in height of lock down they skipped a set. Last time I asked I think my count was 2. Now they usually just say they’re good. Tec has been good for me with no side effects either.