Lumbar puncture 😱

Just home from my lumbar puncture.
Apart from lower back pain so far I’m not to bad :crossed_fingers: it stays that way!
The procedure itself was HORRENDOUS, first injection of local anaesthetic made my leg jump, second was horrendously painful, waited for it to kick in before the actual lp!
Omg, never know pain like it…. Sharp shooting pain & a sensation of wetness all the way down to my tailbone, “you need more anaesthetic”
You think? :thinking:
To be fair after that it wasn’t too bad but never again.
Don’t want to scare anyone, just wanted to share my experience!
Did anyone else have this?

OMG yes! I’ve never wanted to share mine in too much detail either for fear of putting people off, but yes it was excruciating (they hit the sciatic nerve) and I would never have another one done.

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I maybe shouldn’t have been so honest but I felt the need to vent amongst people who would understand & to gauge if I was just really unlucky (looks like I was)
Must admit I’m enjoying lying down & being waited on for a change. :joy:

Did you take long to recover from it?

@Newbie2 When the needle moved away from the sciatic nerve, the pain subsided and once the soreness from where the needle went in wore off it was fine. It was just tender for a few days.

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This was my second LP, last in 2015 they took 6 attempts and then gave up and sent me for X-ray guided one. I did warn them this time - but no they said let’s just try. 6 attempts later … and ported wheeling me off on my bed to X-ray department. At least they finally got their samples. Few days on and still very sore back

Wow, so sorry you had to go through that twice.
They should have listened to you when you warned them :roll_eyes:

I did say I would never be back for a repeat LP.
Not a nice experience & one I hope to never repeat.

@Willowtree The headache lasts for 5 days :face_with_head_bandage: