Hi All
So i had my first lumbar puncture yesterday and I seem to fall into the small category where it was a very unpleasant experience. The doc (a Neuro surgeon) explained the procedure and most of it was exactly how i read about it to be. He did say that when the needle is in the correct area within the spine that I will experience sciatica like pain. maybe it didn’t research it enough but i had not read anything online nor in the pamphlet that was sent to me mentioning this.
I had 1 x Lorapine before the procedure but i think i was just too anxious for that to take an effect! The anaesthetic injections were fine and initially the big needle was fine - until he found the ‘correct area’ and kept moving the needle waiting for some fluid to come up. All the time i was in agony. in the end i had to ask him to stop as it was just too bad. i had a 15/20 min rest and another Lorapine then we tried it again in a seated position but with the same effects.
I now have to go back in a couple of weeks to do the procedure via x-rays ------- really not looking forward to it at all!
on the plus point though - 2 x Lorapine gave me a mega 16 hour uninterrupted sleep! I feel AMAZING today!