Lumbar Puncture results

Hi all

Heading towards diagnosis, just received LP results today. Raised CSF protein level, everything else normal but positive CSF oligoclonal bands. Is this what consultant is looking for to help confirm diagnosis? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

mel x

Hi Mel

Oligoclonal bands in your CSF, but absent in blood, are what the neurologist is looking for from an LP.

About 80 - 95% of people with MS test positive for O bands in their CSF.

So it seems likely that if your symptoms have continued / you’ve had relapses since you were first diagnosed with CIS (I checked back at what you’d posted before!) then your diagnosis might be altered to MS the next time you see your neurologist.

Not that you can rely on what I say (or anyone else, neurologists are a law unto themselves). I’d just expect it. As I’m sure you do, given the history you’ve had.

I do hope your next appointment is soon. And that then you can be prescribed a decent DMD.


Thanks for the reply Sue, I have contacted my MS nurse about the results as I don’t really understand them, 3 normal things (I think they are blood related) and positive CSF ‘o’ bands.

I have another brain scan booked in a couple of weeks to check for lesion accural and neuro appt in March. I haven’t really recovered from original episode the hands continue to tingle and arms are constantly heavy. I don’t know what normal sensation in my hands is anymore.

thanks again for the reply, happy new year

mel x


Don’t worry about incomplete remission. It doesn’t necessarily mean your variety of MS is progressive. Remission can be partial or complete. Personally, I never felt my feet properly again after my first MS relapse and that was nearly 22 years ago. What happens is that your nerves compensate for the deficits and you get used to the different feelings.

Good luck with the next load of tests. Don’t let it overshadow your New Year, have a good one.
