Hi everyone, :smiley: hope you’re all getting used to this new site. I’ve just decided to try LDN, mainly for fatigue, any advice would be welcome? i’m fed up feeling like my Dad (who’se 87) as I,m 55 and until a couple of years ago was phisically fit and could spell. Keep well, :slight_smile: Peter

I’m sure LDN wil help with your fatigue probs and possibly other MS related issues… not sure it’ll improve your spelling! :wink:

ptrwte wrote:

Hi everyone, :smiley: hope you’re all getting used to this new site. I’ve just decided to try LDN, mainly for fatigue, any advice would be welcome? i’m fed up feeling like my Dad (who’se 87) as I,m 55 and until a couple of years ago was phisically fit and could spell. Keep well, :slight_smile: Peter

lt is certainly worth trying Peter- lts the best thing l ever did- apart from helping with fatigue and spasticity - lt also helps with mental alertness. lt makes me feel more positive!

Hi Peter, I’ve been taking LDN for about 3 years and it’s made a huge difference to my bladder and cognative function. Start on a low dose,it’s better if you use the liquid at first because it’s easier to adjust the dose.I started on 0.5 and very slowly increased it to 3mg so I now take the capsules.It took about a year to get upto the 3mg so slowly does it! The only side effect I had was vivid dreams for a few nights and stiff legs for around a week in the mornings.I send the script to Dicksons Chemist in Glasgow,they are the cheapest suppilers in the UK,it takes around 5 days from me posting the script off to me getting the LDN and they don’t even charge for postage. :smiley: Good luck with it,take care,xxjo

Hi, I’ve been takeing LDN for 5 wks and feel great,more energy,more alert, something is deff working my legs are stronger and my balance is better.It really is worth a try.Had vivid dreams for 2 nights :frowning: now sleep like a baby.good luck. take care.helen.x

Hi everyone!, Thanks for all your advice, should get 1st supply of LDN next week. x Peter