Kissing knees

Hi my name is Margaret and I have had spms for the last 25 years I now have very painful kissing knees just wondering if anyone has had successful knee replacement???

Quite coincidentally I was wondering today about knee replacement. My right knee is weak and gives me various problems. I had a private session with a physio who gave me various exercises to do including some with those exercise bands . Had a later session with an NHS MS physio who gave me pretty much the same exercises.

The exercises have helped but I’m not very good at keeping up an exercise routine. I was wondering if a knee replacement was the answer and concluded it was probably a bad idea on the grounds that it will be problems with my leg muscles that have resulted in knee problems. If my muscles aren’t working properly/fully I could be left with a knee that is unable to recover from the operation/ replacement

This is exactly what I was told by my consultant that it would make my disability worse but still feel unsure what to do

I concluded that it’s a definite ‘no’. I could be left with a knee that can’t hold my weight when standing.

Have you tried a physio? There’s a long wait time on the NHS but the private on I used was worth the £50 ( up here in Paisley).

I’m in Suffolk and we have a community neurology team consisting of nurses, OT and physio. At present I’m doing a 6 week physio program it’s an hour on Wednesday doing exercises and some weights in a group everyone has a neurological issue whether it be MS, MND, Parkinson to enable us to improve an aspect of our lives. You could see if your community MS nurses have the same set up, it’s worth asking.

Thank you I will get in touch with my M.S. nurse and see if there is anything similar to your suggestion in my locality North Wales

Thanks will keep trying with physio and good old painkillers nice to get someone else’s opinion

:crossed_fingers: as I’m sure that quite debilitating for you, especially trying to move about. Have you spoke with your doctors or MS team to see if they can push for this help for you as it having a detrimental impact on your quality of life. X