I should probably post on the ppms forum, but here seems to get more traffic.
I’ve had a particularly bad week as it goes. My weak right leg that normally drags, seems to be particularly defiant this week. It won’t bend at the knee as I try to walk (with a wheely walker) so “draws” a semi circle outwards from the hip, before it touches the floor. Getting into bed this week has become a circus. I kneel on the mattress with my left knee, and can’t always bring my right one onto the bed. Either that, or I can manage it but have got the positioning wrong. My head then lands on the pillow, either touching the head board or not quite on the pillow at all. The efforts of just getting into the bed, not to mind into position once there, is exhausting. I’m either crying with anger and frustration or get a fit of laughing and fall asleep.
Also this week, my right hand has become weaker. The finer movements are failing. I can hold a pen or a knife, but can’'t seem to utilise them. I drag the spread across the bread, rather than purposefully butter the slice. I can only manage to use the pen with feather light pressure and barely form the letters. However, tonight I notice the last three fingers are beging to curl upwards. I cannot flatten them, palm up.
Is it worth phoning my gp tomorrow and explaining I wonder. Would oral steroids help? I know there is no relapse with ppms, but surely the deterioration in mobility can’t be this fast, can it?! Any thought would be appreciated folks. I seem to have spent most of today crying with frustration and fear of the future. I am 58 (almost) and diagnosed aged 55, thought I’d be around 65 before deterioration would be noticeable. Not so. Definitely not so.