Hi folks, I am a 30 year old female and was diagnosed with relapsing remitting in November so everything is pretty new to me. I started on Kesimpta earlier this year. I have now developed severe sun sensitivity and I am on holiday and have turned into a giant rash. I have very fair skin and have always been sensitive to the sun but I had managed to get it under control with special sun cream and the use of antihistamines however none of these things now help.
Has anyone ever had this experience with Kesimpta and if so any tips?
I went away last year and used the same cream etc and had no issues so the only thing different is I am now on Kesimpta which is why I am putting it down to that.
Thank you. I haven’t been specifically told to avoid direct sunlight but I will be querying that when I get back. I spend a lot of time in the shade anyway due to being so fair skinned but I had managed to get things under control and haven’t had any issues the past couple of years so just felt a bit deflated at now being in this situation again.
Thankfully I have been to the pharmacy to collect some fexofenadine and some cream and it has helped a lot so it’s not ruined my holiday. My concern is we are going to America next year and we are getting married there so I don’t want it to affect my experience when we are there.
Just started on Kesimpta. In fact, my first injection was last week. I haven’t seen anything about staying out of the sun but there are a fair few side effects they went through.
If I can pose a new question about side effects to those of you on Kesimpta, do the side effects of the jab get easier?
After my first jab last week about 8-9 hours later I was very poorly, so poorly I was almost wishing for death. Never felt so awful. I was the thirstiest person in the world as well and I drank about 3 litres of water in just a few hours. By the early morning nearly all the side effects had worn off but I was left feeling exhausted like never before.
This is my first DMD since Dx in 2016 and I so want it to work and help. Please tell me it gets easier.
Hello, yes the first jab made me feel poorly too. What time are you taking it? I would recommend taking the jab before bed and then taking 2x paracetamol and then you usually sleep off most of the side effects before you wake up the next morning. I do that and most of the time I have been ok although sometimes I am tired and nauseous. Hope that helps, I hope it improves for you x
Unfortunately, I’ve had to pause Kesimpta, due to recurring infections: Covid, pneumonia and para-influenza.
I had hoped this DMT was the one I could stick long-term with, but not so sure now, I’ve not had much luck with DMDs tbf.
Neurology said I could try it every other month instead, but just don’t want to be knocked down again by another virus, I’ll ask if quarterly is okay?